Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 10 - 'SECRET ATTRACTION'

Chapter 10

"Oh, erm, hi Hermione," Draco stuttered slightly. "You look...Amazing!"

"Thanks," Hermione smiled at him which made him blush even more than he was already. "Come in and sit down we'll be leaving soon." She led him into the lounge and they sat down on the sofa.
"So are you excited Draco?" She asked him looking nervously around the room.

"Yeah, as long as I don't drown." They both smiled and continued looking around the room. Then Draco turned his head to Hermione's and looked straight into her eyes. They stayed like that until Hermione's parents entered the room.

"Why this must be Draco," Mrs Granger pulled him up and shook hands with him. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you Mrs Granger, it's a pleasure to meet you to." Hermione for one, had never heard Draco talk like this but then again she hadn't ever had a tingly feeling run through her when he looked into her eyes either.

"Oh please call me Alice." Mrs Granger insisted.

"It's also nice to meet you Draco," Mr Granger shook his hand as well. "It's a relief having a man around the house." They smirked and bonded further until it was time for Mr and Mrs Granger to leave in their car.

"We'll phone you when we get there," Mrs Granger told Hermione. "Then you can meet us there." There was obviously no point Hermione going in the car as she could apparate there with Draco, although they'd have to be careful or they might be seen by muggles.

"Yes Mum I'll see you there." She pratically shooed them out the door and then realising it was such a sunny day she took Draco outside in the garden.

She kicked off her shoes and tights and fell on to the grass by the pond while Draco sat opposite her on the garden bench. Hermione let the lush grass tickle her face, as she listened to the soft trickling of the water and the birds tweet as they chased eachother round the trees. Draco just sat and watched her sunbathe, not taking his eyes off her. He wanted to pick her up and embrace her but his family for one wouldn't allow it. They'd treat him like a piece of dirt, turn away from him.

But he didn't care over the past years he had kept it hidden and now was the perfect time to show what he felt. So he did.

"Hermione," he called. "Will you come and sit on the bench a minute?" She got up curiously and sat next to Draco.

"What's up?" She asked squinting her eyes from the sun. Draco didn't answer her but just looked at her.

"Are you ok Draco?" She asked again.

"Oh I'm ok," he replied. "Or I will be after this." He took Hermione's hands lowered his head and locked his lips on to hers. Hermione reacted and returned the kiss with so much exhilaration she was nearly lifted off the bench. He pulled her closer and wrapped his hands around her waist. It seemed to last forever to the two of them and when they finally broke apart Hermione whispered in his ear "Let's go inside and carry on." She smiled and took his hand they got up and went into the lounge on the sofa. She hunched herself in a corner and let Draco's masculine body wash over her. They continued their passion for at least 10 minutes when the phone rang. "I better go get it," Hermione said as she broke apart. "Stay here."

"Oh I'm not going anywhere else." Draco smiled at her which made her giggle. Hermione expecting to hear her parents on the phone was surprised to hear Harry.

"Oh hi Harry!" He had his own apartment now, which meant he could call Hermione. Draco sat up on the sofa listening to the conversation. "Oh I'm not sure if right now is a good time to come round." There was silence while Hermione was listening to Harry on the phone. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" She hung up and went back into the lounge. "That was Harry," Hermione told Draco. "He's coming round tomorrow."

"Yeah I heard," Draco said with a hint of snap in his voice. "But that's not the point right now he smiled and advanced on Hermione again and they continued their time of passion. The phone rang again and Hermione struggled to get up as Draco was playing games with her.

"Draco," She giggled. "Let me up." When he gave in and let her up it had gone on to the answer machine.

Hermione listened to the message from the lounge.

"Hermione it's Mum, you must be busy at the moment but we're there now so you can set off. See you soon."

"Oh but I don't want to go." Draco said in a mock whine voice. And they carried on still. They stayed on the sofa ignoring the message and embraced each other for what seemed like at least 20 minutes. But then the door opened and they were so involved they didn't hear.

"Hermione it's me, Harry." They called but it was too late he had walked in the room and when the two finally broke apart Harry looked sickened.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 12 - 'NECESSARY MADNESS - A DRACO AND A HERMIONE'


It was nearing the end of the evening when Blaise and I were dancing again, this time I was flush against him. All of our bits were touching and from what I could tell my night had promises I had never dreamed. He would bend his head towards my ear and point out people from Hogwarts.

I looked towards an auburn haired girl with glasses perched on her nose as she sat alone in a far table watching people. She was tall and thin, her hair swept back into a neat half ponytail and her make up, if she was wearing any, discreetly put on.

“Susan Bones, she works as head of the department of the Magical law enforcement.” Blaise smile, nipping my ear. “Looks the same huh?”

She did. I looked at her now pinched face and her soft smile playing at her lips. “I’d say so.” I unraveled myself from his body and looked at my watch. “Want to head back soon?” I look up into his beautifully slanted eye, darks chocolate colored skin and broad shoulders, and melted into him as we apperated back to my bedroom. The crack was barely audible when the buttons of his shirt flew onto the carpet making tiny clicking noises.

His hands flicked to the hem of my dress and peeled it off me, I was standing before him almost naked and I felt like Eve in the Garden, with the serpent. Tempted into this rush, adrenaline feel, and I was loving it. When my lips touched the sinew of his shoulder, I waited for God to appear and spite me out of the garden forever. But he never came.

Instead I felt every party of his body with my own as we fell onto the bed and the restless night was just beginning.


They left, how could they have just left? Knowing Blaise he was going to stay the night with her and leave early in the morning, she’ll cry and want more, and I’ll be there to pick up the pieces. Liah and I reached home and she was furious because I discussed my father with Crabbe.

He had died less than a year ago, as well as my mother which was as big of a shock to me than anything. It was of natural causes, they fell sleep dreaming, not knowing about the death to come. I wasn’t in town. I’ve been going back and forth from France to England making sure everything was going to be perfect for the franchise.

I sat down in my office and sipped my fire whisky; the red leather of my chair cushioned my body as I sat trying not to think about Hermione Granger, how my best friend was staying the night at her house. My jaw ticked as I closed my eyes, the warm liquid slipping down my throat, burning trails down my spine as I knocked the rest back. Grangers body wrapped in those silk sheets formed in my brain again and I felt the shock all the way down below my belt.

When I got up to go to bed Liah was at the door of my office watching me.

“I’m sorry for getting mad.” I whispered to me as a very protruding part of my anatomy brushed past her on my way to our bedroom.

She sighed and her hands rested on my shoulders smoothing my shirt a little as she slipped them down the front of my chest un buttoning them as her hands descended lower. We moved towards the bed and our clothes went flying, our bodies connected and I thought about Hermione.

It was Granger lying in my arms, her skillful body pressed to mine, her mind connected with my own. Liah and I kissed and teased and tormented though it didn’t help my urge for the Mudblood. Liah hissed her pleasure from below me and we fell into a restless night.


I woke up the next morning and he was gone, I stretched over my bed and my body’s relaxed muscles from the night before screamed at the movement. I curled myself deeper into the blankets and lay on my side watching Ron’s smiling face looking at mine, staring at me with disgust. I flicked my hand towards it and it and it fell off the bedside table, cracking on the dark red shirt buttons on the floor.

I pulled the covers up around me and a crunching sound came from somewhere on my bed. I looked around until I found a piece of parchment folded beside me. I opened it and read the beautifully scripted note.


I left my shirt and watch here; I’ll be back for them tonight, and maybe tomorrow night, and maybe some other nights. Keep them here, and don’t let them out of your sight. The last thing I got from my mother was that watch, and I would hate for a beautifully intelligent woman such as yourself to have any burden on her chest. I’ll owl you later, and we’re going to dinner, its casual dress. I’ll pick you up at six thirty sharp. See you later se.x kitten.


p.s. You can smell my shirt if you like, most women would do it, if they were in your position.

I laughed and flung my arms in the air. Then falling back on my pillows. I’m happy.


Blaise was bringing a guest to dinner tonight. It was probably going to be one of those dim witted women he usually brings. Everyone knows the type I’m talking about, the women who end all their sentences with a question mark, as if they needed reassurance with the words that pop out of their mouth.

Liah was excited, she invited Dana and Alex over too, and so tonight was a dinner party, Zambini’s women were going to be the death of me. I finished going over the dinner schedule with Testa the volunteered house elf and she prepared myself for the rest of the night.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 26 - 'FROZEN FIRE D/HR/R'

Chapter 26:

Ginny flew down the the stairs two at a time, her long hair billowing out behind her.

'Harry! Harry!' She called at the top her voice, standing no tip-toe to see over the heads of everyone in the common room. People turned towards her, looking puzzled, but she didn't care - this was so important.

'Yeah? What - what's wrong?' Harry asked, standing up from where he had been sitting quietly in front of the fire place.

'Harry - come with me.' Ginny ordered, rushing over to him and grabbing his hand, pulling him out of the way to a very dark and silent corner of the area.

'Ginny; what?' Harry asked impatiently.

'Hermione. She's leaving!' Ginny gasped; Harry stared at her.

'Leaving? What do you mean?'

'What do you think I mea?! I mean she's packed her things and McGonagall has said she can go - and now she's taking off; tonight! Harry we have to stop her!' Ginny screeched, as Harry's eyes seemed to glaze.

'Why? Why is she leaving-'

'Maybe because she thinks you hate her? Maybe because Ron does seem to hate her! He's just hurt - we both know he's still in love with her! She needs to be persuaded to stay; Ron'll get over what happened and-'

'If she wants to leave then we should let her.' Harry cut through her quietly, and Ginny glared at him in disbelief.

'You're just going to let your best friend of seven years walk away from you?' She whispered, and Harry dropped his eyes to the floor.

'I... She'll have calmed down when she comes back next year; everything will have calmed do-'

'NO Harry! She's not coming back - ever! She'es leaving the magical world for good; she's going to live as a muggle!' Ginny was almost shouting now in desperation. Harry's eyes widened.

'What?' He whispered.

'Yes! We need to stop her!' There was a moment's silence.

'Where is she now?' Harry asked quickly, turning away from Ginny as he said it, heading towards the stairway to the Girl's Dorm.

'I don't know - she's leaving tonight, but she said she needed a bit of time alone in the castle before she went. I don't-'

'Right...' Harry thought as he turned back to Ginny. 'Right...'

'I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't really mean it... I was just angry. And I have a right to be angry with you. If it weren't for you then... then...' Hermione trailed away, twirling strands of her hair in her fingers absentmindedly. 'I need to thank you anyway. It's strangely sadistic that I'm thanking someone I loathe so much, but you have helped me, although I doubt you intended to. You see, while everyone else was showing just how much they hated me; you weren't. Oh and I know you do really hate me, but for a while, just a while, you made it seem like you didn't. And that was important... because when I had no one, I clung to the hope that something, someone, you, might just be genuine. And don't look so regretful - like I said; I'm thanking you. It's perfectly clear now that whatever twisted relationship we had was all wrong - something as bad as this stemming from that proves it. And for once I ignored my head, and thought with my heart - stupid really, I know better now. Anyway. I just asked you here because I've made up my mind properly: I'm leaving. Tonight. So I wanted to say goodbye, I don't know why. I felt it was something I had to do.' Hermione turned and walked away from Draco, folding her arms across her chest and holding in the tears that were desperate to flow down her cheeks. Draco reached out to touch her arm in some gesture of comfort, but she shrugged him away and took another step away from him.

'You're actually leaving?' He asked slowly, his hand dropping back to his side once more.

'Yes. It's for the best. I can live as a muggle for a while, and maybe I can come back... some day.' She tried a smile, but failed, and instead, a single tear streaked down her cheek, which she was quick to wipe away - but Draco saw it. He didn't know what to say - although many things came to mind.

'I... how can you just walk away from... everything?! Your while life is here, Hermione! Everything you know and love, I mean-'

'Don't you think I know all that? I'll have to make a new life for myself - you think that's something I'm looking forwards to doing? No. But I have to-'

'You don't have to though!' Draco flared up, taking both of her hands in his and standing right in front of her. 'You can stay here - I don't know what it was that you think we had, but it wasn't what i seemed! I... I don't know how to say how I feel about you... I don't recognize the feeling... and... and I only didn't speak to you because Potter told me not to! He said he'd tell my Father about us if I didn't keep well and truly away from you. And... and I was scared I admit! Not just for me either - for you as well!' He had told her before he meant to, and now she was staring at him, completely confused.

'Harry...?' She whispered, her eyebrows furrowed.

'Yes... Hermione, I didn't know what to do. But when McGonagall kept you back, and you came out crying... I just... I had to know what was wrong... and you said you were leaving... and I just... I...' He trailed off, feeling he had failed something he was desperately meant to pass.

'Harry said that to you?' Hermione asked again, and Draco just nodded. She turned to leave.

'Where are you going?' Draco called after her anxiously.

'I... I have to make sure I've got everything, before I go.' Hermione replied over her shoulder, before pressing her lips together and walking out before Draco could say any more.

'Hermione - Mia, wait, Ginny told me that-'

'How dare you?!' Hermione spun to face him, her hair flying out behind her. Harry froze, and took a step back.

'W-what?' He stammered.

'How, how can you possibly be so decieptful? HOW? You ignore me for days, make me feel like I've just joined the Dark Lord - and then you have the nerve to go to Draco and threaten to tell his Father about us? Harry what the h.ell were you playing at? Do you intentionally want me dead, or did my safety not come into the equation when you were ready to owl the Dark Lord's most faithful servant?' Hermione screamed, and before she knew it, she had raised her hand and slapped him straight across the face. Harry was silent now, her anger resounding in his mind.

'Hermione... I'm sorry...' Harry whispered, and Hermione just glared at him.

'You know what? All this time I thought it was Draco who had ruined everything - and I'm not taking any blame away from him - but you! You should take your fair share too!' She spun to storm away, but Harry caught her hand and pulled her back.

'Mia - I just wanted to keep him away from you! I would never have really told his Father, but I could think of no other way to make sure he left you alone-'

'I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!' Hermione shrieked. 'I don't need you looking after me all the time Harry! Did it ever occur to you properly that maybe I wanted to be with Draco as much as he wanted to be with me?'

'I... Hermione... I couldn't bear the thought of him being with you...'

'I know he's your enemy Harry, and mine too! But... but you have no idea how nice he was to me, how he made me feel while no one else seemed to care-'


'What are you talking about?' Hermione cried, exasperated.

'I'm talking about it being hard enough for me to accept you were with Ron - my best friend - never mind with a Death Eater Slytherin who would only use you and then tell you to get lost!'

'I... I don't understand...' Hermione whispered. Instead of trying to explain, Harry stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, before kissing her very softly, brushing her hair back from her face as he did so. Hermione pulled back after a second.

'Are you deliberately trying to make me more confused?' She asked, her voice only just audible, after a stunned moment.

'No... Mia you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for... I only just realized that I had to when Ginny said you were leaving...' Harry stopped, and waited for Hermione to respond.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 1 - 'REMEMBER WHEN.......WE USED TO LAUGH?'


Hermione remained standing, rooted to the spot, leaning against the brick wall she had just walked through. It had been a year since she had been to platform 9 ¾ and the first time in 5 years she hadn’t walked through with Ron or Harry by her side. She watched people buzz by, happy with their lives, their eyes full of laughter. The death of Harry and Ron was greatly overshadowed by the final defeat of Voldemort. Hermione couldn’t blame them. Everyone had lost friends and family in the summer before her finial year. But she couldn’t think of anyone who had lost all their friends and family. She truly knew how Harry felt for ten years of his life. Alone. Isolated from everyone else. Of course people came and gave their apologies and respects. But minutes later they could be found happily chatting openly in a crowd. Hermione couldn’t. She had no real friends besides Harry and Ron. Her parents had no clue as to what had happened and she was too weak and tired of repeating the story to fill them in. So in a sense, it felt as if Hermione had lost them too. She was in a depressed slump that made her feel as if life was not worth living. She had nobody to confide in. Even Ginny was gone.. she was in St. Mungo’s. She hadn’t been able to take the loss of losing her boyfriend and two brothers and tried to take her own life as well. That’s when little Teddy showed his first sign of magic, only 4 months old and already screaming loudly enough to burst all the windows in the house. Hermione couldn’t say she blamed her. It had crossed her mind several times, but, it seemed to dishonor the very thing that Ron and Harry died for.. everyone else’s right to life and freedom. It was disgusting of Ginny to try to do it in front of the baby though. She obviously needs severe help.

Hermione felt as though her legs were made of lead as she ordered them forward, pulling a thin silver badge out of the inside pocket of her coat. She carefully pinned it on the left side of her chest, knowing that the glory of being Head Girl was taken away by having nobody to share it with. Without a backward glance Hermione magiced her trunk onto the locomotive and headed to the very back of the isle, where her letter had informed her that the Head’s compartment would be. Sliding the door open she placed her things into the overhead compartment, where she noticed the Head Boy’s things were already in place. Hermione instinctively took a look around the room, although she was perfectly aware that she was alone. Alone. As usual. Hermione crossed the compartment and sat down on the overlarge bench, pressing her head against the window, waiting for the motion to arrive. After about ten minutes of waiting the Hogwarts Express lurched forwards and the steady rhythm sent Hermione into a dull sleep.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 2 - 'REMEMBER WHEN.......WE USED TO LAUGH?'


:::::Hermione’s good rest was interrupted by dreams that were haunted by Harry’s dead body. More real than any dream had ever been, she was tied to a tree in the Forbidden Forest. Lucious and Harry were dueling and Lucious had managed to stun Harry.

“Oh look there mudblood.” Lucious cooed at Hermione. “Poor little Potter isn’t moving. Is he dead mudblood? No. Not yet. But within moments…” Lucious trailed off. “The Dark Lord will be so proud…” He said with an insane smile twisting upon his face.

Hermione glared up at him, the pain in her head getting worse by the second.


Lucious turned his head to Hermione’s shaking body, bound helplessly by magic to a tree. No longer insanely twisted by his manic smile, his face was stony and anger bulged in the vein aside his eye.

“Lies mudblood! What did I tell you about lies?” He whispered close to Hermione’s ear, as he twirled his wand around his fingers he smiled. The twirling wand finally coming to a stop inches away from Hermione’s chest.

Hermione bit her lip and prepared for the torture sure to come.

“CRUCIO!” Lucious bellowed into the darkness.

Horrible pain shot through Hermione’s body for the seventh time in the hour. Hermione could no longer take it. Her head slumped over onto her chest and her world went black.

Hermione could feel the wetness rolling down her cheeks even before the scene fully faded from her mind. Hermione thought to herself that the dream must had been set on ‘replay’, because every time she closed her eyes, the dream picked up where it had left off. Going further and further until she was rescued, at which it started back to her being tied to a tree. Hermione’s eyes remained closed as she spoke to herself.

“What am I being punished for? I have done nothing wrong.”

“Yes well, except murder my cousin and all.” A cool male voice replied.

Hermione’s still misted brown eyes flashed open at the sound of his voice. So much like the cruel voice that haunted her dreams.:::::


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 3 - 'REMEMBER WHEN..........WE USED TO LAUGH?'


:::::Hermione stared into Draco Malfoy’s cold blue eyes, which met her glare unblinkingly.

“Yes well. Your cousin.. she murdered my…” Hermione began, wondering why she was defending herself for killing a Death Eater, when Malfoy interrupted.

“Yes yes, I know… she killed Weasel.” He replied, not a touch of sympathy in his voice.
Hermione’s throat burned with anger. How could he talk about him like that? Like his death didn’t even matter?

“And you would know this again how Malfoy? Seeing as how you ran off and hid like a coward and all… did you have a good view from your hiding spot?” Hermione asked, taunting him with her witty remarks.

Draco’s sneer had been removed with a look that could freeze lava.

“If you must know Granger. The details were relayed to me by my dear mother.” Draco answered honestly. His voice lightening at the end of his sentence. Softening, with what seemed, love for his mother.

Hermione was not touched. Anger was still boiling in her stomach from the remark about Ron.

“Was that before or after the Dementors dragged her into Azkaban? Since we are talking about murderers and all…” Hermione asked, conversationally.

All at once, Malfoy had her pinned to a wall, his wand pointing between her eyes.

“Don’t talk about my mother.” He spoke clearly, with anger and hurt washing through every syllable.

Draco released Hermione who remained standing still, her eyes focused on Malfoy’s. Malfoy seemed to collapse into the seat, his face beet red.

Hermione had never seen Malfoy show emotion of any kind, and although he was working hard to keep the one’s flowing through his body hidden, Hermione detected the pain and guilt that he was going through, and involuntarily, her heart softened.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” Hermione said, knowing it was the right thing to do. Draco Malfoy or not, what she had said had been way out of line.

Draco looked up at her from his sitting position. He did nothing but nod that he heard her.

“So.. er… Your Head Boy?” Hermione began, trying to make conversation and get over the awkwardness.

Draco looked at her again, and simply nodded, with a look on his face that screamed “obviously”.

“Well.. um.. If you don’t mind me asking.. how exactly did you get picked for Head boy?” Hermione asked innocently.
“Are you implying I am not capable Granger?” Malfoy spat, his defenses rising.

Hermione blushed in many different beautiful shades of red.

“No! No! I wasn’t implying that at all! No I just wondered… well.. on my letter it told me that qualities that I was chosen as Head Girl upon! I just figured yours did the same! Sorry. Stupid question! Shouldn’t have asked! Of course it would be personal! Of course. I really didn’t mean it like it sounded!” Hermione rambled, speaking very fast. Suddenly realizing how insulting that must sound.

But to Hermione’s surprise Draco began laughing, a first for Hermione to witness.

“Chill out!” He laughed. “I was only jesting you! You honestly wanna know what my note said? It said that Justin Flinch-Fletchy was first pick, but his mother didn’t want him to go back to Hogwarts without Dumbledore there so she sent him to some fancy private school. And obviously Potter and Weasel couldn’t take the position. Zane Ridige was the other option, but he refused the title, because Ravenclaws are ‘oh so humble’ .. so that left me. And here I am. How could I refuse when that had no one left?” Malfoy laughed again, but there was bitterness in this laugh that had not been present in the one former.

Hermione stared at Malfoy in shock. Her eyes as round as galleons.

“Oh. Well.. I erm.. was just wondering..” Hermione said weakly, having no other reply.

“Yeah. Loads of people wondered how a former Death Eater could have been made top authority of the peers at Hogwarts. But h3ll, they didn’t have many other options did they? I mean, my grades are actually at the top ten, believe it or not.”

Now this did come as a shock to Hermione. Malfoy had always seemed so… dim. But what really caught Hermione’s attention was the title of “Former Death Eater” that he bestowed upon himself. Hermione’s thoughts left her tongue before she could stop them.

“So are you still a loyal Death Eater?” Hermione asked. A question meant to never leave her thoughts.

Malfoy’s expression turned stony.

“If you mean do I still have the Mark, yeah. I do.” He practically growled, lifting up the sleeve to his t-shirt, showing a fading scar where the Mark had been burned into his flesh.

Hermione’s stomach revolted, and she had to fight down the urge to vomit.

Malfoy began to come more and more agitated by Hermione’s silence.

“We can’t all be as d@mn perfect at you Granger! Some of us don’t have a fairy tale life, with fairy tale friends, and a warm and fluffy home, with loving parents. Some of us have to actually work for everything we have. Some of us have to live in broken homes and lead hard lives in the real world. Something you are obviously delusional about!” Malfoy raged.

Hermione stood up, anger in her tongue again.

“You know NOTHING about me Malfoy! You know nothing about my family, my home, or my friends. NOTHING! You have had a real conversation with me ONCE in your petty life and you think you know me? You think you have the right to judge me? Well wake up. You don’t! Obviously your pretty little mother didn’t tell you ‘every detail’ like you think, or else you have a funny way of repaying your debt to me!” Hermione roared, before storming out of the compartment, and down the corridor. Not knowing where she was going, as she was blinded by hot tears. Not knowing who to turn to, seeing as how her bestfriends were either dead, or trying to do themselves in. Hermione finally found an empty compartment, threw herself in it, and cried herself back to sleep.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 4 - 'REMEMBER WHEN........WE USED TO LAUGH?'


::::The haunting dreams continued throughout Hermione’s nap.

Hermione awoke to several slaps across her face, each stinging harder on her bruised flesh.

“Wake up pretty little Mudblood… It’s time to kill itsy bitsy Potter, and I want you to watch, because if you survive the torture I will bestow upon you soon for your lies, I want to make sure that you tell everyone, as the only witness of course, that I, Lucious Malfoy, killed The Harry James Potter.

Hermione shivered.

“No one will care. No one will know. Voldemort is dead. The war is over! We won.” Hermione said weakly, gagging on the taste of her on blood that was leaking into her mouth from the slap wounds.

Lucious frowned and pulled a knife out of his pocket, and twisted it between his fingers.

“I will not use Crucio on you anymore tonight child, not because I pity you but because I will need you to be alive to tell the story of how I killed Potter. However, I can cut you with this pretty knife and heal you all up again and do it over and over and over, without killing you. Does that sound fun Mudblood? No? Than keep your little outbursts of lies to yourself.” Lucious said, in quite a calm voice as he walk about the small tree Hermione was bound to. He went behind the tree and made sure Hermione’s hand were still bound tightly, than came around front and checked that her feet were securely fastened together.

Lucious than turned on Harry.

“This has been delayed long enough.” He raised his wand high and pointed it at Harry’s stunned body.

“No PLEASE!” Hermione cried.

Lucious turned to her and smiled a terrible smile.

“Avada Kedavra” Lucious cried.

Harry’s body shuddered a little and than became still once more.

“NO! NO! HARRY! NO! HARRY!” Hermione bellowed into the darkness.

Lucious went over to Harry and kicked him hard aside the head. Harry’s lifeless form shuffled a bit, but showed no signs of life. No even breathing anymore. Just stillness.

Hermione beant her head and wept openly. No longer caring what happened to her now.

Lucious Malfoy knelt down beside her body, still bound to the small tree.

“So that was the straw that finally broke pretty, fiesty Granger huh?” He almost whispered to her.

Hermione went almost into a daze, refusing to believe Harry was dead. He couldn’t be. He was the chosen one. Harry can’t be dead.

Lucious pulled out the silver knife again and fingered it, running the base of it against Hermione’s cheek.

Hermione didn’t flinch. She didn’t care about the pain to come. She hoped he killed her. Maybe he’ll get carried away will cutting me and forget to heal me. Maybe I’ll bleed to death here on this tree.

Lucious lowered the blade towards Hermione’s body and Hermione closed her eyes, hoping it would be over quickly. She felt her blouse give a tug and she tightened her muscles and prepared for contact.

A ripping sound could be heard. But Hermione felt no pain. She opened her eyes to see Lucious cutting her shirt straight down the middle. Her bra was left exposed and Lucious was not looking at her face.

Tears trickled down Hermione’s cheeks and fell onto Lucious’s hair, but she uttered not a sound.

He took the knife and cut the cented of her bra, leaving her chest openly exposed. Hermione shuddered as he touched her pale skin with his rough hands.

Hermione used all the fight she had in her to supress a whimper when he began cutting on her pants.

Hermione’s pants lay in shreds on the ground and Hermione couldn’t see anything through all the tears that were free falling.

Abandoning the knife Lucious ripped her underwear off her. H began touching and pinching her everywhere. Hermione shuddered inwardly but couldn’t move. His hands were rough and hard. Every part of her body felt dirty and scalding hot.

Lucious stood up and looked at Hermione who’s eyes were still on the ground. He began to unbutton his pants when he spoke.

“Do you know what rape is about Mudblood? No? It’s about power. It’s about me having the power to do anything I want to you, and you not being able to do a d@mn thing about it.

Out of the darkness a voice arose.

“Avada Kedavra”


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 14 - 'DEFENDING ZABINI'


January 22nd, 2008
3:36 pm
Ministry of Magic
Auror Department

Hermione stepped off the lifts. She just wanted to go home. Her feet and back were aching but the aurors were being stupid and they once again had arrested Blaise. Aly was waiting for her by the lifts. The two women hugged. They had become friends when Hermione took Draco's case. "You look tired." Aly told her. "I feel worse." Hermione replied. "You have Blaise?" Aly nodded. "We wouldn't have arrested him." she explained to her. "But the evidence was stacked against him. This is what our witness said." Hermione nodded and reached into her bag. She pulled out a notepad and a ball point pen. She had been trying to tell the stubborn wizards for so long that it was the easier and fastest way to write. But they wouldn't listen. A lot of pureblood wizards believed it a crime to now be required by the Ministry to own a phone. That way if there is an emergency you can be contacted. Especially since, Voldemort was still out there. But people could feel the war coming on strong.

"What is the witness' name?" Hermione asked. Aly stared at her. "Hermione, you know I can't tell you." she said. Hermione pouted. "All I want to do is talk to the witness. It will help me to see if Blaise is innocent or not. You told me the witnesses before." she whined. Aly sighed. "Fine." she groaned. "Sarah Wittle. She was the neighbor that called and told us that she saw lights on at the Scrimgeour house." Hermione nodded and jotted the name down on her notepad. "Do you want to see your client?" Aly asked. Hermione whined. "I suppose, but why did he have to call for me?" she asked as she put her notepad back in her bag. "You're his lawyer." Aly stated. Hermione whined. Aly laughed and started to lead Hermione to the questioning room. As they walked through the main room, all the aurors looked up from their work and stared at her as she walked past. Hermione couldn't help but shiver. She was used to these type of looks, she had got a lot of them when she was defending Draco. But they still made her shiver.

They got to the questioning room. Harry and Blaise looked up. "Alright, Mr. Potter the questions are over." Hermione ordered, her professional tone appearing. "Blaise, do not answer any more questions." Blaise nodded. Harry turned to Hermione, he seemed stressed and was obviously trying to stay patient. "A witness places Blaise at the scene of the crime on the day of the attempted murder when he had told us that he wasn't there." Harry explained. "There will be no further questions." Hermione said. She nodded to Blaise and he stood up. Harry glared. Hermione and Blaise left. As they got off the lifts, Hermione grabbed Blaise's arm before he could do anything and the two disapperated back to Hermione's law firm.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 15 - 'DEFENDING ZABINI'


January 22nd, 2008
4:02 pm
London, England
Granger Law Firm

Blaise blinked at his surroundings. Hermione pulled him into the building. The secretary looked up in surprise. "Mrs. Weasley, you are back, what a surprise!" she cried. Hermione ignored her and walked past her to her office. She unlocked her office door and pushed him inside. Blaise stumbled a little and caught his footing before he fell to the ground. He narrowed his brown eyes at her. Hermione ignored him and sat on her desk. "Sit." she ordered. Blaise remained standing, his eyes still narrowed at her. "Sit." she snapped, poting to a chair in front of her. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the chair. He sat down. He looked up at her. "Okay, honesty time." Hermione announced. "From now on you will be completely honest to me. I will not be lied to. Espeically if the aurors find something out and it happens to be true. If you had lied to me, and they use it against us in court, we could lose the case and you would be going to jail for attempted murder. Which could be anywhere from 20-30 years in prison." Blaise blinked. "So no more lies." Hermione told him. "So, the day Jessica was attacked, were you at the house?" "No." Blaise replied. "Are you lying to me?" Hermione asked. "No." Blaise answered. "I swear I wasn't at the house." Hermione nodded. "Well, why would that woman say you were there?" she asked. "She doesn't like Jessica and I because we had a baby out of wedlock." Blaise explained. "So she probably lied to get me in trouble." "Having a baby out of wedlock isn't uncommon these days." Hermione pointed out, putting a hand on her stomach. "She's a spiteful woman who never got married because no mad can compare to the almighty J e s u s C h r i s t or some stupid sh!t like that." Blaise snapped as he lit a cigarette. Hermione nodded. "Well, tomorrow after I get off of work, I am going to go talk to this Sarah Wittle." she told him. Blaise nodded and blew out smoke. "Can I go now?" he asked. "Did you learn your lesson?" Hermione teased. Blaise put on a charming smile. "Yes mummy, I have." he teased. Hermione laughed. Blaise smiled and left.

He disapperated to Draco and Pansy's house. Pansy looked up. "Hi." Blaise greeted. "Hello." Pansy greeted back. Her daughter Jasmine was in her arms. Blaise looked around. "It's quiet." he stated. "Where's Draco?" Pansy laughed. "He took the boys out." she replied. Blaise nodded and put the cigarette out. He didn't want to smoke around his goddaughter. He poured himself some whiskey. "What's wrong?" Pansy asked. "Except for Jessica being in the hospital and them thinking I did it?" Blaise asked. Pansy sighed and nodded. "That religious b!tch Sarah Wittle told the aurors that she saw me leaving the house on the day Jessica was attacked. I was never there!" Blaise cried. "I will get that sl*t." "Do you think you should be saying that? I mean, all the aurors are after you. They believe you tried to kill your fiancee." Pansy teased. Blaise laughed. He drainked the glass of alcohol. "I will get her though." she promised. Pansy looked uncomfortable.


January 22nd, 2008
9:30 pm
London, England
Sarah Wittle's House

"Okay Precious, let's get ready for bed." Sarah said to her poodle. The poodle barked. Sarah laughed and set her bible down on the table. Precious growled and ran from the room. Sarah yawned and rubbed her eyes. She stood up and stretched. A yelp was heard and she froze. "Precious?" she called. "Precious?" But the dog didn't come. She started to feel nervous. She walked from the room and down the hall. She screamed when she saw her dog lying on the ground dead. It's insides were now on the outside. Tears filled Sarah's eyes and fear flooded through her. She ran back down the hall and into the room she just left. She picked up the phone and started to dial the aurors when she heard laughter. The phone fell to the floor. She turned and saw a cloaked figure leaning against the wall. Sarah's eyes grew wide. She turned and started to run from the room. The person waved their wand and she tripped. Sarah fell to the floor. The person picked up her bible. Sarah rolled onto her back and started to slowly crawl backwards from the room. Her eyes were on the figure the whole time. "Please, no." she pleaded. The person laughed again and hit her hard on the head with the bible. Three, four, five, six times. Blood splattered everywhere. Sarah's body fell back against the hardwood floor. Ten, eleven, twelve times. And Sarah was dead.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 9 - 'SECRET ATTRACTION'

Chapter 9

Hermione stopped smiling as she saw her mum coming down the stairs. 'You can't let her know.' She thought to herself and she hurried off into the lounge, switched on the t.v and pretended to look interested in a random muggle channel. Her mum came and stood in front of it, folding her arms.

"What was all that smiling about then?"

"Nothing," Hermione answered hurriedly. "Now can you please move? I'm watching that."
"As if," Her mum switched off the telly and sat down next to her. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Fine!" Hermione gave in. "I'll tell you, only if you promise not to laugh."

"Why on earth would I laugh at Hermione's story of the day?" She ignored this comment and began.

"Well when he came to the door he was all telling jokes and laughing. Then we worked on his report and finished it and he told me I was amazing! Oh and you'll love this bit he kissed me on the cheek!" She finished red faced and flustered.

"So you don't like him then?" Her mum asked just to make sure.

"No Mum," she retorted. "I love Ron and he's not a self-centred, ego obsessed freak like Malfoy!" She stormed upstairs and into her room. The door slammed behind her and locked with a flick of her wand. She fell on to her bed and repeated in her head 'I love Ron, I love Ron, I love Ron.'

Hermione pulled her coat on and apparated to the Burrow. It was a foggy evening and she could barely see anything. When he hand reached the small, wooden door, she knocked and didn't wait long until it opened.

"Hey 'Mione," it was Ron. "Come on in." She smiled at him which slightly shocked him. He shut the door behind her and she walked into the kitchen to be scooped up into a hug by Mrs Weasley.
"Hermione dear!" Mrs Weasley released Hermione and smiled at her. "Dinner will be ready in a while so why don't you head off with Ron." Hermione nodded, smiled back then followed Ron upstairs to his cramped, bright orange bedroom.

"Hermione we need to talk." Ron began.

"I think we do." She replied and they both sat on the bed.

"I didn't mean anything I said in the Three Broomsticks and I'm really, really sorry!"

He looked her straight in her beautiful, brown eyes . She simply smiled and answered "And I'm sorry I chucked butterbeer over you." They both smiled and looked directly at each other. Ron leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Hermione didn't want it to end, at least she thought she didn't. She tried to embrace Ron but just couldn't bring herself to do it. He reached for her waist but she pulled away and stood up from the bed.

"What's the matter 'Mione?" He asked puzzled.

"I'm sorry Ron but I just can't do this." Her face looked muddled up.

"What do you mean?" Ron had a hint of panic in his voice.

"It just doesn't feel right," a tear was rolling down her cheek. "I'm sorry but it's over."

"What?!" Ron looked like a puppy that had disobeyed its master and been told off.

"I've got to go." She grabbed her coat and wiped the tear away from her eye.

"'Mione please-" Ron started.

"Ron don't make it harder for me, please." Hermione interrupted. She didn't bother walking down the stairs she apparated on the spot and appeared in her bedroom. She collapsed on to her bed and cried into her pillow. 'Pull yourself together.' She told herself. Hermione stood up and walked into the bathroom, she rinsed her face down and apparated to the Malfoy Manor. The huge house appeared in front of her and the grand, stone peacocks looked almost real. 'I can do this.' She told herself determined she was going to do this. Her feet crunched on the gravel as she walked up to the grand, oak door.

The knock that came from her hand seemed distant to her but when the door opened it felt so real she couldn't believe it.

"Hermione what on earth-" Hermione pressed her finger to Draco's lips.

"No questions needed Draco," She was smiling. "Just relax." She pulled Draco towards her and he came into her because he wanted it so much, they got closer and closer, so close that Hermione could feel his warm breath on her neck he was nearly there when.....BRIIIIIINNNNGGG!!! Hermione's alarm clock went off. She must of accidentily set it when she fell on the bed coming back from the Burrow. What she did last night is what she wanted, nobody could blame her for it she was having some sort of secret attraction to Draco and it was the last thing in the world she thought would happen.

When Hermione got up she jumped in the warm shower and stayed in there to let the water run down her body. When she got out she got dressed into a knee length, baby pink skirt and a matching top that hugged her figure. Today was the day her family, Draco and herself were going to go punting and she wanted this to last forever. She reached into a draw and pulled on a pair of thin, white tights then got out a pair of pink pumps. When she heard the doorbell ring she jumped slightly and hurried downstairs to answer it.

"I'll get it!" She called to her mum and opened the door to see Draco standing there smiling at Hermione.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 25 - 'FROZEN FIRE D/HR/R'

Chapter 25:

Hermione had to wait two days for a reply from her parents, but she did so patiently, knowing they would be disscussing anything and everything that could have possibly gone wrong, that could have possibly happened to make her so anxious to leave. When she finally tore open the letter and read through it, her heart sank...


Sweetheart, whatever's happened I'm sure will be sorted in no time! Surely you can't wish to leave because of... well you never said what exactly had happened! Darling we think it's a bad idea for you to flee Hogwarts, no matter what's going on right now. You're strong Hermione, and these trials and tribulations will only make you stronger.

We don't want you to leave the place you have loved so much - it's your life now! But, if you really are distressed enough to be certain on coming home, then of course you're welcome. But please Hermione, think everything through before you do so.

All our love,
Mum and Dad. Xxxxxx.

The letter was peppered with tearstains by the time Hermione had read it through twice. It wasn't the fact that they didn't want her to leave that caused her upset, it was that she knew everything they had said in that letter was true. She could get through this if she tried hard enough... but she didn't know if she could be bothered to try anymore. It seemed ever since first year when she had become a member of the 'Golden Trio' all she had done was try... fight... and try... and now she was too tired to start it all up again. She knew it would be the best thing to do... but she just felt drained now, as if everything had come to a sudden end that had deflated her and left her hollow and empty.

'Miss Granger, can you stay behind for a moment please.' McGonagall's voice rang through the quiet classroom just after the bell had sounded in transfiguration. Hermione glanced up, confused as to why she had to remain as everyone else packed their things and scuttled from the room.

Draco had been in the lesson with her, too, sitting at the far end of the room, as far away from her as possible. She had felt new tears start in her eyes when she had seen him, looking pointedly away from her, but she had forced them back, and worked her way slowly through the lesson, not daring to look his way.

Harry and Ron were there too, sitting at a desk near the front. She had taken a seat alone at the back, in the shadows, glad to be out of people's accusing eyes for an hour.
Hermione nodded now, and McGonagall turned and walked back to her desk as the last people filed out.

'Yes, Professor?' Hermione asked quietly, and McGonagall turned to face her, scrutinizing her.

'You're ok, Miss Granger?' She asked gently, and Hermione looked up to her.

'Yes, Professor.' She replied automatically.

'I... I recieved a letter from your parents, they're quite concerned about you.' McGonagall revealed slowly, and Hermione didn't respond. Instead, she focused her eyes on the chalk board behind her teacher.
'They said they recieved a letter from you, requesting to leave Hogwarts, is that correct?'

'Yes, Professor.' Hermione whispered, and McGonagall's concerned eyes bored into hers, which were still diverted.

'What on earth for? Why would you wish to leave?' McGonagall asked carefully, worried for her student.

'I... I just... I don't belong here, Professor.' Hermione said, her voice only just audible. McGonagall placed a hand on her shoulder, making Hermione's eyes jump back to hers.

'I don't think I've ever met anyone who belongs here more, Miss Granger.' She smiled, withdrawing her hand. But Hermione shook her head.

'I'm sorry, Professor, I believe you're wrong. It would be better for... for everyone if I could leave.'

'I highly doubt that. Miss Granger, whatever it is that's going on bwtween you and Potter and Weasley, I suggest you put it into your own perspective. These things always work themselves out.' McGonagall began packing up her own things.

'I don't think this will work itself out. In fact I think they would prefer it if I left too.' Hermione whispered, tears leaking down her cheeks now. McGonagall looked up to her and saw her crying, but before she could say anything, Hermione had whirled around and taken off down and out of the classroom, ignoring McGonagall's calls for her to come back.

As Hermione turned the corner, a hand clasped around her wrist and pulled her back out of sight to a dingy broom closet. Hermione's eyes locked with Draco's, and her stare turned to a glare as she pulled her hand free.

'Leave me alone.' She cried, trying to push past him. He stood firm in her way, not about to let her run off, no matter who saw him with her.

'No - Hermione -calm do-'

'DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!' She screamed, and she tried to push him away from her again and again, so as it became more like she was hitting him than trying to push away from him. He grabbed both of her wrists when they were raised and held them there; she just broke into more sobs, defeated yet again.

'Shhh...' He soothed, pulling her hands to her side and wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tight and placing a kiss to the top of her head as she clung to him, crying and desperate. 'Mia... shh... don't cry...' He pleaded, running his hands up and down her back. They stayed like that for long minutes, the only sound being Hermione's crying. Finally, she stepped back, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

'What do you want?' She whispered.

'I just... McGonagall kept you back... and I wanted to know-'

'Because I'm leaving Hogwarts. I thought... when they wrote back... I thought I could stand it... but I can't. I've changed my mind. So I'm getting out of here as soon as-'

'What?' Draco gasped, staring at her, his hands still on her arms. 'You can't-'

'Everyone hates me Draco. They don't even know it was you that Ron found me with, and they already hate me! Can you possibly imagine how people will react when they find out that it was you? And what about your side, as well? I doubt the Slytherin's will be all to happy if they ever found out about us!' She sobbed, and Draco had no answer to this. 'So it's better that I just go. I'm not leaving anything behind, it's not as if anyone'll miss me.' She shrugged, no self pity in her voice.

'What about me?' Draco whispered.

'What about you?' She retorted, colder than she had intended.

'I'll miss you.' He said truthfully.

'No you won't. You haven't bothered speaking to me for the past week - don't act like you care, you obviously-'

'I didn't have a choice! I still don't! I shouldn't be speaking to you-'

'So why are you?' Hermione hissed, finally managing to push past him and reaching out for the handle of the door.

'Wait! You don't understand! Hermione-'

'Forget it. I don't care that much anyway - I care more that my two best friends want nothing more to do with me. You don't mean anything, you just messed things up.' She was suddenly angry, angrier than before certainly. Her words seemed to freeze Draco for a second, but he accepted them.

'Fine...' He said quietly, pressing his lips together. 'Fine.' He repeated.

'Fine.' Hermione nodded, pushing the door open and stepping out into the light of the corridor again.

'But if you do go; I will miss you.'

'Yes. Until you find someone else's life to ruin.' She didn't mean what she was saying - and she knew she didn't. But it was like she couldn't stop herself saying these things. Partly from anger, partly sadness... and she needed someone to take it out on.

'You don't know why I haven't been speaking to you-'

'I told you.' Hermione began, walking away. 'I don't want to know.'

'What are you doing?' Ginny asked Hermione the next day, as she watched Hermione throw things in random orders into her trunk.

'Packing.' Hermione replied bluntly, then she stopped. 'Although I won't need any of these things anymore, will I?' She asked herself, throwing magical books and quills back out onto her bed - knowing she would have no use for them anymore; once she left the magical world she didn't intend to return, at least not in the near future.

'What? Why on earth are you packing?' Ginny gasped, plonking herself down on the edge of Hermione's bed. Hermione didn't answer immediately. She had reached her beloved copy of 'Hogwarts; A History'. She desperately wanted to keep it - when she looked at this situation from a distance, and imagined it in a muggle environment, she would have thought it reasonably trivial: A girl found with a boy who wasn't her boyfriend, not exactly the end of the world, was it? But this was different. Ron was her boyfriend, Harry Potter her best friend, Draco Malfoy, their worst enemy and likely Death Eater the boy she had been found with... this was anything from trivial.
She placed the copy of the book back in her trunk; she wanted to keep some memories. Ginny repeated her question, thinking Hermione hadn't heard.

'Because I'm going home.' Hermione shrugged, searching now in her draws from her jewelerry box which she had hidden somewhere she couldn't remember. 'Oh I'll find it in a minute...' She spoke to herself, flinging open her wardrobe and grabbing the hangers in handfuls, throwing them and the clothes into her trunk.


'Yes, Ginny, home. I'm leaving early.' Hermione replied, stooping to her knees and throwing her shoes into her trunk as well, pair by pair.

'But you're coming back next year, for the sixth form thing, right?'

'No. I'm... well I just don't belong here. It's time I faced up to it - purebloods always said Mudbloods don't belong in this world, well they were right about one of them anyway.' Hermione said quietly, pushing her wardrobe doors shut once she had emptied everything from it.

'What? You're... you're leaving for ever?'

'Mmm-hmm.' Hermione mumbled, and she ducked under her bed and reappeared holding her jewelerry box. She slung that in the trunk too, before slamming the lid shut with a thud.

'But... but Hermione - over this?'

'Everyone hates me, Gin. There's no point in me staying.'

'Ron doesn't hate you! He just needs time to cool off... and Harry's angry, granted, but same goes for him!' Ginny protested, running a hand thruogh her hair.

'Maybe. Maybe not, as well. Look don't make a big deal out of it, it doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll manage being a muggle - I did it for eleven years after all.' Hermione gave Ginny a brief smile, before waving her wand. Her trunk dissapeared.

'Where'd it go?'

'To McGonagall's office. I've sorted it with her - last night. She said I could go if I really wanted.'



Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 1 - 'IN MY TIME'


Crash! was the first thing Harry Potter heard that morning, he turned over and put on his glasses, groaning, he knew it was going to be a bad day now. He was just surprised that his Uncle Vernon hadn't called him down yet and blamed him for whatever mishap just took place. He sprang up, realizing that it could be the death eaters, he raised his wand, but instead of going out to meet them decided he run for it, he did not need the ministry expelling him for under age magic. However, it just hit him, he was seventeen, which just made it even more likely they were death eaters. However he knew he was wrong when he heard elephant sized stomping up the stairs and heard his uncle wheezing louder than a freight train on the top of the stairs.

Than he heard dainty steps, like if they stepped too hard the dust would get on the floor from the shoes, he knew they were his Aunts', And dudley came out to greet them. He groaned, he usually had a way of escaping from this but this time he didn't, they had just moved to a new town in England called Stalton High. Harry knew no one, he didn't even know why they moved, Dudley had a fit because he had to leave his friends at home, though Harry knew it was his reputation as tough boy he was really leaving behind.

However them moving wasn't top priority at the minute, staying out of his families way was more of the problem, ever since they moved here the Dursley's have become meaner and crueler, it wasn't just Dudley that beat him up now, it was every one. Harry knew this day would come, his Uncle had always said on your seventeenth birthday bad things were going to happen. Of course a nine year old would take that seriously and run crying, just like he did but he never thought it was true. Now however it seemed that no other possibilit remained. Uncle Vernon slammed open the door, and there the two men stood, holding a whip with nails protruding out of it and a metal bat, Aunt Petunia seemed to want to watch so she sat on the bed, grinning.

Harry backed away, he had his wand still but he seemed to have forgotten that. Uncle Vernon how ever didn't, he brought the whip down on Harrys hand, Harry let the wand go and watched as blood seeped over his hand faster than he thought possible. He backed against the wall, brought his arms up across his face and waited for the blows, they came and painfully, without mercy. Two Hours later they were done, leaving the room laughing, Uncle Vernon took his wand and locked the door and bolted the window shut, there was no way Harry was escaping, he feared this, feared that that wouldn't let him leave. Now he lay on the floor, blood surrounding him in a large pool, blood splattering the walls, dripping down. He moaned, he was covered in blood like he had taken a bath, the pain was almost unendurble. And as he tried to get up on his bed, he shrieked in pain and slid down on the floor unconscious.

The next day he woke up on the floor, his wounds had scabbed over, and he was stiff and sore from his position, he gently got up, hoping and trying not to reopen the fresh wounds, unfortunately he wasn't so lucky, he felt the blood first than the pain, he fell back to the floor. His Uncle and cousin came in an hour later with the same weapons, and layed him out flat and repeated the process.

"Everyday from now on you will receive a punishment for all the years you made us take care of you." His Uncle said before leaving the room. Harry groaned, and once again passed out. This went on for about two months when finally people grew suspicious.

~The Order~
Dumbledore sat at the head chair in 12 Grimmuald place, conducting a meeting of the Order Of The Pheonix. It was slightly discouraging to see most of its members gone, they had about seven empty seats, one which Dumbledore knew, Harry would never get over, Sirius Black, yet he made a portrait of him right over the kitchen sink. He did this because of Harry, whom he never told because if he had he would come here and dwell on this picture and live off of it for ever and he would never heal. However he knew when Harry was fully healed and ready he'd come back and there it would be, when Harry was ready he'd see Sirius again but not until he got over him, unfortunately, Dumbledore thought it wasn't likely to ever occur. Harry had loved Sirius too much.

He sighed as once again Remus opened his mouth to voice his concern on Harry, he and everyone else had heard this before, yet he knew he had something to go on, it was a bit odd that Harry hadn't tried to see one of them or his friends. He was starting to get concerned but he didn't want Harry to think he had no confidence in him at all, didn't want Harry to think that he, Dumbledore, thought that he couldn't take care of himself. Yet what if something had happened to Harry? He must think that we've abandoned him! He sighed as Remus stopped and stared at him, all of a sudden he felt as old as he was. Exhaustion washed over him, he finally looked up to realize everyone there was staring at him worriedly.

"Okay we'll need someone to check on Harry, at his Uncles house, if he isn't there leave him be." Dumbledore said, Remus got up and left to go check, everyone awaited patiently for his return. Ten minutes later Lupin returned, bursting in the door with a wild worried face.

"What is it?" Dumbledore said his face turning pale, his worst fear almost confirmed. Horrified at what he might have done.

"He's not there." Lupin said.

"Okay so leave him be." Dumbledore said some color rising in to his face again.

"No, I mean no one's there, the house is empty." Lupin said quickly. Worry for Harry sweeping over him, what if Voldemort and his crew got to him before they did? He couldn't lose Harry, he was the only family he really had left, and he loved him as his own son. He sat down at the talbe, shaking. Dumbledore seemed far away, a shocked and guilty look was plastered on his pale face, he had a tear coming down his cheek.

"Oh no, I should have listened, I should have sent you out sooner......I should have....." Dumbledore choked on the last part, sorrow and guilt swept over him. As more tears trickled down his beard he turned to Severus, desperation in his eyes, Snape was staring at Remus in disbelief, he knew Severus was thinking of Lily and he felt even more at blame for his greif than any others, besides Harrys. Dumbledore looked down at his hands, as Severus looked up and in a croak he heard a voice say,"I'll do it, I'll go now."

Dumbledore looked up in the voices direction and saw Snape giving him a peircing, very unnerving, yet determined glare. Dumbledore's jaw dropped open in response but none came, just more tears, he closed his mouth and thought about what Severus had just offered. If he went now, he risked exposure and severe punishment, even death, yet he was willing to risk that just to make sure the boy was alright. He felt warmth erupt into his body as he felt more sure of anything than ever before: he made the right choice trusting Severus Snape. He nodded at his hands and said,"Thank you Severus, just becareful.....son." And with that Snape got up and disapparated outside.

Now he was even more worried about Severus, he decided to close the meeting, he knew it would be several hours until Severus returned, and he didn't want everyone here to witness it, he didn't know what kind of state he'd be in if he did return. He shuttered at the if. However he remained behind, pacing back and forth hoping for Snape's safe return, which came about 3 hours later, in the living room. He sat down, blood trickling down his face, Dumbledore ran to him and started healing him, thanking him all the while. And than after he was done he did something he never did before, not to a death eater anyways, not even a reformed one, he hugged Snape, tears spilling down his eyes. It had been a rough night, and he was glad snape was alright, thought he was sorry for sending him there to get hurt.

Snape after a few minutes, slowly wrapped his arms around the headmaster gently, surprised by this emotional outburst, since he was usaully so collected. He didn't know what to do or say and not wanting to make it worse said nothing at all, Dumbledore finally broke the silence, though not the hug.

"Severus, I am so sorry I sent you off to get tortured, I never meant it to be this way, Oh god Severus, I'd rather it be me than you." Dumbledore said, Snape could feel him shaking and knew he meant it, he gripped him harder.

"I know, its fine. Voldemort would have killed you. Sir Harry wasn't there, I would have saved him if he was." Snape said softly, not wanting to make it any worse.

"Severus you did your best, you did it with out complaining, and I thank you more than anyone else, you are my most trusted Advisee. I would never desert you. Severus I just wanted you to know that If anything ever happened to you, I would be heart broken, I would never forgive myself, and I would most certainly go after you if you hadn't returned with in the night." Dumbledore said Snape frowned, confused.

"Why are you saying all this?" Snape asked Dumbledore broke away, and gasped, he felt the pain tearing at his sides, he knew it was time.

"Severus promise me one thing...." Dumbledore trailed off as he dropped to the floor, Snape bent down, next to him, and Dumbledore smiled as for the first time in his life, he saw Concern fill Severus Snape's eyes.

"Anything, Anything Albus." Snape said gently, as he looked down knowing what was about to happen.

"Take......Care..Of....Harry..." Dumbledore said through his gasps of excruciating pain.

"Of course sir." Snape said, not wanting to but wanting to for the man that had helped him through so much, protected him, saved him, trusted him, everything he could, he even forgave Snape which he couldn't even do that.

"Thank.....you." And with that Albus Dumbledore closed his eyes and Severus Snape felt him go limp and take his last breath. Snape knew what he had to do, he had to call the order and tell them what happened, than go out and look for Harry, he knew the boy would want to be at Dumbledores funeral. Plus he had promised, and he never broke a promise, not even to a dead man.

He pulled out his feather and wrote the names on a peice of parchement that he wanted here, and just like that they appeared, when they all gathered, Snape stepped aside to show them Dumbledore's body, like he thought they would, they freaked. Many collapsed in shock and one person wailed "Dumbledore now all is lost!" Remus actually accused Snape of murdering him. But apologized when he had collected himself.

He left them to the body, as he went in search for Harry.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 2 - 'IN MY TIME'


Harry Lay on his bedroom floor, it had been three months since the Dursleys had captured him and tortured him. He moaned in agony, he was once again lying in a pool of his own blood, though he couldn't even move. He had too many broken bones, and he no longer had two of his fingers. He had hoped that the Order or at least Dumbledore, even Remus might come looking for him, but he was wrong, no one had come, though he had some faint hope of rescue when he had heard his Uncle outside his door talking to Aunt Petunia.

"See that is why we moved dear, I knew if we followed through on our plans they'd come looking and now since we moved they can't find us." Uncle Vernon said, as Aunt petunia muttered how he was a genius. Harry was even more revolted at them, he didn't understand how another human could do this to someone. However Harry knew this was true, they couldn't find them.

"See this Lupin Fellow came looking according to Mrs. Figg, I told her I would give Potter the message, fool she is." Uncle Vernon had said At least he was concerned for him, course Snape would have something bad to say, like famous Harry Potter can't even take down muggles. He sighed as he thought 'Well I wouldn't mind who comes to get me, as long as they take me away from here." Before everything went black.

~The Next Day~
Snape was making hardly any progress in finding Potter, He had been searching a whole month and nothing was turning up. Lately he searched more vigorously for two reasons: the longer a person has been missing the more unlikely it is to find them, let alone find them alive, or for them to even be alive, and second Dumbledores body was being perserved only by a spell, but that was about to wear off, and Snape knew that Potter would kill him if he missed Dumbledore's funeral. He sighed in frustration, as he sat on a bench across from a new house in Stalton High, he could have sworen that Potters trail ended somewheres in this village, but the spell didn't tell where.

Snape rubbed his eyes, he was so tired from looking, he hadn't slept all night, and it was so quiet and peaceful there, the hard wooden bench was even nice and comfortable. Suddenly, not meaning to he slipped into a silent and peaceful sleep, his body moved its way onto the bench flat. It seemed only five minutes had passed when all of a sudden, screaming awoken him, he looked around him, trying to remember where he was. He rubbed his eyes and leapt up as he heard even more screaming, he had thought that was in his dream but apparently it was what had awoken him. He went to whip out his wand, but there were Police cars driving up to the house. He watched in the shadows as two cops entered the home, and returned holding a Large Mans hands behind his back, along with a womans, the second cop had his arms around a lrager boy, who had to be the son.

He heard the cops speaking near the trees he was hiding in--

"No the nieghbor heard screaming, expected Child Abuse and called 911, yet the boy is denying everything, but there are about 7 witness's to the screaming what do we do?" One guy said

"Take them in, along with the boy, he can sit and chat with our counselors, looks like these Dursley's are new in town." The other guy said before he left. they walked away to deal with the Dursleys, while Snape was left to ponder where he had heard the name before. Than it dawned on him, he had heard it from Potter himself, he hated the Dursleys! This was his muggle family! Snape connected the dots fast after that, the screaming wasn't Dudley it was...Harry! snape sprang up and with one loud careless crack, landed in the Dursleys new house. He silently made his way around the house as he heard the cars drive away. Snape went around the house trying to find Potter, but could have kicked himself when he remembered a spell that could help him.

'If this was a fight Snape you could have been killed' he told himself off sternly. He took out his wand and thought 'Humanos Revelio." A flash of light later, He followed the light as it led upstairs into a hidden room.

He turned the book on the shelf and it sprang open. He walked in, turned the light on and gasped at the sight. Harry was on the floor, his breathing was raspy, he was struggling for every breath. snape stood in shock, the boy who lived beaten like a punching bag, no he was supposed to be a spoiled rotten brat, not like, well not like him, Snape. He removed himself from his state of shock, and looked around the room, he gaped as he saw the walls and floors, all blood, it was like it was painted with it, the room reeked of BO, and blood. Apparently Potter hadn't taken a shower lately or used the toilet, as wherever he lay seemed to be the appropriate place. The smell was almost overwhelming, he almost gagged.

He couldn't believe Potter was living in these conditions, he felt a speck of guilt well up in him, while he had been wasting his time Potter was getting beaten to death. He rushed to Harrys' side and lifted him into his arms gently, he was passed out. He turned on the spot and arrived at his house moments later. He lay Harry on a soft waiting table he produced in his bathroom, as he started to undress him. Harry was on the stretcher naked when Snape started cleaning his wounds, and healing as many as possible, he magically cleaned him and redressed him in pajamas after applying bandages to him where the wounds were to deep to heal. He carried him into a separate bedroom and laid him on the bed. He went downstairs awaiting for Potter to awake before he alerted the order.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 3 - 'IN MY TIME'


Snape had given Harry the potion an hour ago, yet he still wasn't waking up, and Snape was growing concerned. He should have been up complaining to Snape right now but he was still motionless on the bed. Snape sighed as he got up and went over to him to check on his vitals, he put his hand on Harrys forhead and just as he did he screamed in agony. Harry was jerking around, screaming as though someone had just put the cruciatus curse on him, Snape tried letting go of him but couldn't, his hand was glued to his forhead, and all of a sudden, everything went black, and Snape felt himself falling to the ground. However a minute later he was standing in a dark forest, it was night and he could see his breath, all he could think was what the ****? Usaully he had the answer for everything but not this time, he jumped five feet in the air as he heard a bush move a couple feet a way.

Snape turned and raised his wand, he was surprised to see Potter stepping out of the bush with a look that mirrored his own shocked expression. Just as He made to ask a question, a tree erupted in to flames before them, and they moved quickly. Snape finally caught up to Harry and grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shade and protection of a huge tree

"Potter what is going on?" Snape asked him sternly

"I think its a nightmare of mine but I'm not sure." Harry answered

"Well if its a dream it can't hurt us, so why are we running?" Snape asked

"I assumed that too, until this one time Voldemort caught me and I could feel the cruciatus curse, it wasn't fun and I am not so willing to have another experience like that." Harry said, the froze as they heard a crunching noise nearby and backed away.

Unfortunately they backed right into another deatheater, who knocked Snape out first than Harry who turned in time to see the flash of light coming his way. The next thing Harry knew was that they were tied up away from each other. Harry sat wondering how Snape came to be in his head, where they were and how they got there, when He heard Snape shifting over to his far right. He looked up, Snape was staring at him, a light came on in his eyes, as did fear, Harry had a sinking feeling in his stomache, it wasn't good if Snape was afraid. Harry was just hping this situation wouldn't end in a death, though he rather disliked snape he'd rather hate him when he was alive rather than dead.

"So both of the prisoners are awake are they?" Voldemort said in a quiet menacing voice, he stepped over towards them and smirked. Snape was looking up at him in fear, while Harry was looking up at him in defiance. His smirk broadened as he bent over Harry, Snape watched apprehensively, as Harry started to pant in pain trying not to cry out, his scar was on fire with pain.

"Finally I get Potter, the Boy who lived isn't going to be living for long, but first I need to ask you something Potter, if you answer you shall die a quick and painless death if not, than a slow and painful one." Voldemort said Harry just glared at him, hatred showing on his face, Voldemort snorted in amusement.

"I know your dear headmaster told you the prophecy Potter, tell me it or else I'll torture it out of you." Voldemort said, Harry just burst out laughing, Voldemort took a step backwards and watched him.

"Never, he'll be coming for me soon." Harry said

"Didn't Severus tell you? Dumbledore is dead." Voldemort said in a hiss. Harrys face went pale.

"NO....he can't be.....he wouldn't......how....what?" Harry said

"Oh yeas, he even died in Severus's arms." Voldemort said. Harry turned to Snape who nodded his head gently. Harry went numb, everything just fell to peices, he rested his head on the ground and stared up at the stars in disbelief, pain washing over him.

"No........" Harry moaned as he tried to fight back the tears that were forming in his eyes. Voldemort laid back for a minute, watching in amusement as Potter tried to bring everything together, before he finally came forward and raised his wand.

"So Potter tell me, Dumbledore is dead, there is no hope left for any of you people, just tell me before I have to hurt you are any one else." Voldemort said. Harry looked up at him coldly.

"Never." Harry said loudly and clearly.

"I though you would say as much, Crucio." Voldemort said silkily, Harry screamed and writhed in pain. Snape cringed and tried breaking loose to get to Harry, but to no success.

"I'm just going to keep doing it until I hear it." Voldemort said as he raised his wand and another white light sprang from it, and sent excruciating, unbearable pain onto him. Snape kept trying to save Harry but in vain, he had always hated hearing the screaming when victims were getting tortured, and he had promised Dumbledore and Lily......thats all he could think of, it was Lily there screaming and writhing, His Lily....

An hour later he was done with Harry, who lay there covered in bloodgasping in pain, moaning. He heard Harry pass out, just as Voldemort turned to him.

"Well Severus, your the spy, I always wondered how the order knew things the minute they happened, I had expected a spy but not you. Well you will pay, dearly." Voldemort said, Snape paled, which made a smirk crack on VOldemorts face.

"Crucio!" Voldemort said, Snape shrieked in pain, over and over again, the pain washed over him, he wondered when it would stop before he realized that The Dark Lord didn't mean to stop, he was going to be tortured ot death. However it was than that it stopped, he looked up, through the blood that covered his face, And saw Voldemort staring down at him with a smile, an actual smile.

"Well this is just perfect. Lucius get the boy up." Voldemort said, Snape's heart sank, he knew what he was going to do. Harry awoke and was placed in front of Snape and Voldemort, right in the middle. Harry stared in horror at what he had done to Snape, he was barely recognizable, blood everywheres, he must have been tortured, the whole night while Harry was out, guilt welled up in him, it was his fault that he was like that.

"Now boy, tell me the prophecy or I will make it worse on Snape." Voldemort said Harry looked up at Snape Horrified, but all Harry saw was a closed look, like Snape had proven himself right. He looked up at Harry whom he was surprised to see horrified at the proposal, he thought the boy wouldn't care, James would have used the oppurtunity to find an escape, rather than try to find a way to spare him.

"No, I can't, please let it be me." Harry said quietly looking down at his hands, not able to face Snape, Snape was taken aback, Harry was willing to be tortured for him, though he knew he couldn't let this go on.

"Crucio." Voldemort said, and Snape shrieked.

"NO!" Harry yelled reaching for Snape, having been cut loose late in the night when he was unconscious, he grabbed his wrist, the curse was let off and Harry felt and saw Snape shaking like a leaf, he couldn't even support his own weight.

"Crucio!" Voldemort screamed, Snape shrieked again, wishing he could die to stop the pain, Potter grabbed onto him even more tightly, now he was holding both of Snape's wrist.

By night fall that day, Harry was sure Snape wasn't going to make it, Voldemort left them alone, without any gaurds, Harry was sure this was a nightmare at that point, a nightmare that was real, that they could feel, yet there bodies were left at Snape's house.

Harry bent over Snape, concern and worry washing over him, Snape wasn't moving, his eyes were closed, Harry found a pulse and let out a sigh of relief, but he knew he would have to get Snape out of here soon, or else he might die, he'd just hope someone from the order would check on them. Snape was still shaking as he covered him up with his cloak, after all he didn't need it he was fine. He sat by his side, hoping everything would be fine, but by the blood that had pooled around Snape He knew it wasn't going to be.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 4 - 'IN MY TIME'


'One more time, I swear to god! This man is not worth my time! I should just let him rot to death, but no the Dark Lord wishes me to keep an eye on him, Of course, even after tonight, what could there possibly be wrong with him now?' The girl thought annoyedly. She was stomping her way up the long driveway that led to Severus Snape's house, ordered to see what condition the bodies were in, though she thought it was unnecessary she did it anyways because she didn't feel like getting tortured. Yes she was a Death Eater that had an attitude problem, one that was a rebel but a loyal one at that, she lived on the edge and if defying the Dark Lord or thinking bad things, thinking rebellion while being a servant of his was treachery than she was treacherous.

She was one Death Eater that worked with the Dark Lord but was more of a free agent that drifted into his service and could vanish at any second. She wasn't his, she was her own, she just found it convenient to work with him. She was a seperate Dark Lady if thats what you would call someone like her, if it came down to it, she could probably equal the Dark Lord in battle, but dared not to--not yet anyways. Not until something goes wrong or not her way will she rebel, she was like that, and The Dark Lord knew it, moreover he respected that in her, and let her have some reign as long as it produced the desired outcome she could use whatever tactics and skill and plan she wanted to. She also could command other Death Eaters, she was Second In Command, no one messed with her, well no one that wanted to live anyways, they all knew better. Rumors tell of how she has less mercy and remorse than The Dark Lord himself, and by far more evil.

While The Dark Lord saught only to stomp out Mudbloods and kill them off the earth, She saught for world domination. People laugh at it, like its something out of a story book, but they wouldn't be laughing when it came to life. she didn't care what others thought of her, it didn't matter, all that mattered was what she thought cause that determined whether someone lived or died. People took her very seriously, especially men. She was very beautiful, and she used it to her own ability. With long ice blonde hair and beautiful clear blue eyes, she was instantly the gem among the cheap jewelry. Which mean she got in where ever she wanted to with just a promise of physical pleasure, though she never fulfilled that promise, she usually killed the guys off, they were such sle.azebags anyways. Only a scar on her chin called the beauty to an end, her once perfect face blemished, nothing in this world stayed perfect for long, she knew this of course.

She remembered when she was an innocent perfect little girl, making her mother proud and making her dad feel like the best man in the whole wide world. They used to play with her as a little girl, she remembered this one time when she was little and afraid of Thunder and lightening storms, she would run to her daddies bed and snuggle up with him. He would rap his arm protectively around her stomache and draw her into him, he would kiss her head, and sing to her, they would tell jokes and laugh all night long, her mom would always have to leave the room because it was getting too loud for her to sleep. She would than fall asleep in his arms and the next morning when she woke up he would pick her up and make her fly. While singing "you are my sunshine.....". Her Mother always had given her great advice. Though she wasn't as close to her mother as she was her dad, she still loved her, she did all the motherly thing mothers do with their kids, the feeling just wasn't there and so it wasn't the same.

Than that one night changed her life forever, that lone night that made her the way she is now along with some other bad days and nights. It was dark and she was eight, she was having a fit because she wanted to stay up a little longer to see a movie on T.V. But her favorite parent, dad, was not budging an inch, not even for his little princess, and she stomped to her room and slammed the door shut. She lay on her bed pouting for a while, bitter and resentful at the fact that she wasn't going to be able to see her movie, when she finally fell asleep. When she awoke she thought it was morning but it was still night out, she turned to her clock it read only 3:00 AM.

She couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard she tried, it wasn't like anything was bothering her, except for the quiet, her house usually was quiet at night, just like any other but tonight it just seemed too quiet. She stepped out of her bedroom door and went for her parents room. She slipped on something that looked like red paint, funny dad never mentioned repainting his room, she had thought but when she pushed open the door, she knew it wasn't paint. Inside hanging from the rafters were her parents, who were brutally mutilated, blood everywheres. She screamed, and as she did something in the shadows moved ever so slightly and quickly. She quickly looked over at him, he froze, a funny look in his eyes, and than disappeared. She knew the man, knew the man to this day, and knew him well. She even Knew where he lived.

For she was on his doorstep this very instant.


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 20 - 'FROZEN FIRE D/HR/R'

Chapter 20:

'Ron! Ron please wait! Ron!' Hermione cried as she tore down the corridor after her boyfriend, who was carrying on running, as distressed as she was. The few people who were still lingering in the corridors all turned to watch, whispering and pointing, some actually jogging and keeping up with the scene unfolding before them.

'Ron!' Hermione called again as they reached Gryffindor Common Room. He slammed away inside of it, and Hermione quickly followed, her heart jumping when she saw how full it was. She prayed he wouldn't out her in front of everyone.

'Get lost Hermione.' Were the first words he yelled back over his shoulder as Hermione grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back to face her.

'No! Ron please, let me explain-'

'What's to explain? I saw, Hermione. I saw. How long did you plan to hide it from me? WELL?' Ron bellowed as the common room fell eerily silent.

'I wasn't hiding anything - it didn't mean anything it just-'

'Happened? Sure. Leave me alone, Mia.' Ron turned to walk away, as people carried on staring, amazed at the fighting pair, and intrigued as to find out what was going on. Ginny rushed up to her Brother, and flashed a sympathetic look at Hermione, as if apologizing for not reaching her first.

'Ron, calm down - whatever it is I'm sure-'

'SHUT. UP.' Ron roared to Ginny, who flinched and stepped back. Hermione pushed Ginny away from Ron, who spun back to face her.

'DON'T shout at her - she hasn't done anything!' Hermione protested, and Ron observed her heatedly.

'Whereas you've ruined everything! What was it about me, then, Mia? Huh? Not good looking enough? Not 'bad' enough? Not rich enough?' Ron spat, as Ginny looked completely confused, as did everyone else in the common room.

'Don't be ridiculous - I told you Ron, I didn't plan this. I don't even like him - why the h.ell would I like him? He just... well... and then... then I... then we... then you came in, and-'

'And you thought 'uh-oh busted', turned on the water works and you're now trying feverishly to think of an excuse, right?' Ron hissed, and Hermione shook her head, the tears falling faster than ever now.

'No... it's not like that... He-'

'Why do you keep saying 'He', Mia? Are you afraid people will know who it is we're talking about? Well why don't we tell them, eh? Give everyone something good to talk about for a change!' Ron turned to the onlooking crowd, and Hermione let out a gasp of air.

'Ron! Please! Stop it!' She sobbed, but Ron wasn't listening.

'You all want to know what's happened, I take it?' Ron called loudly, and Harry stepped forwards, his eyes mainly on Hermione, but flickering to Ron as he spoke.

'Ron mate, shut up. Calm down - don't say things you'll regret-'

'This, unbelievebly Harry, has nothing to do with you.' Ron pushed Harry hard out of the way, and Ginny steadied him, placing her hands on his arm as they all stared, wide-eyed at Ron.


'Ron... please... I've said sorry... I-'

'I don't care what you say or do anymore Hermione. SO!' Ron turned his attention back once more to the people watching, open mouthed. 'I just found my girlfriend, my dear, sweet, innocent girlfriend,' Ron put his arm tightly around Hermione as he said it, and Hermione felt more tears streaking down her cheeks when she realized Ron wasn't just trying to frighten her.

'Hermione, you all know her, yes? Hermione Granger - never puts a toe out of line, yes that one - all curled up cosily, kissing as if there was no tomorrow... someone who, stunningly, wasn't me!' Ron shouted, pushing Hermione forcefully away from him, making her stumble to keep her balance. Everyone's gaze was on her now, some shocked, some amused, some who knew her better, disgusted.

'Oh wait! It only gets better!' Ron bellowed, as Hermione qiped at her eyes slowly. 'Wait until you hear who it was she was kissing!'

'Ron... I'm begging you... I'll do anything...' Hermione cried harder, but Ron dismissed her pleas with a wave of his hand.

'The one and only -'

'PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!' Came a shout, from somewhere to Ron's left, and a flash of blue light. It hit Ron on his left arm, and he instantly became frozen, his mouth still open, about to form the name Hermione hated so much right now. He fell back to the floor with a thud, and there was a collective gasp from the audience, many stunned and looking around for the culprit, others dissapointed at not having heard who it was Hermione had been 'with'. Hermione turned to Harry, who was lowering his wand, but glaring at Hermione all the same.

'I think we should talk.' He said coldly to her, and Ginny nodded instantly, her long hair bouncing on her shoulders, her narrowed eyes boring into Hermione's.

Harry and Ginny moved Ron's frozen form up to the boys dorm, and were followed by a still tearful Hermione. People in the common room fell silent when she walked past, their chattering about the situation halting so as they could all stare at her properly.
Once the four - well, three, really - were safe and alone in the boys dorm, another silence, worse than the one downstairs, enveloped them.

'Well?' Ginny's high, sweet voice pierced the heavy quietness.


'Is it true? Who were you kissing? When? Where? Why?' It was Harry who was speaking now, watching her as if she had grown three more heads right in front of them.

'I... I didn't mean for it to happen...' Hermione whispered, and Ginny laughed bitterly.

'Oh, yes, of course - let me guess; you tripped and fell onto someone else, right? And your lips just happened to meet? And from the height of Ron's anger, I'm guessing it wasn't just a peck on the lips either...' Ginny hissed, and Hermione flinched at the ice in her voice.

'No.' She admitted. 'It was a lot more than a 'peck on the lips'.' She stopped, but Harry and Ginny both stayed silent now, waiting for her to continue.
'Ron's note was forged by- ... someone else. And when I got there, that person was there waiting; and I tried to leave - I wanted to! Sort of... but I just... and then he said something... and... and then... then we were kissing all of a sudden - and then Ron camw crashing in, and-'

'Who are we talking about here?' Harry interrupted, and Hermione bit down on her lip hard.

'I... I can't say...' She whispered.

'If you don't, then Ron will when he comes around.' Ginny warned.

'You'll hate me.' Hermione cried, and Harry and Ginny said nor did nothing to rest her fears, they mainly carried on watching her, waiting.

'Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.' She said it quietly, so quietly it was almost incomprehendable, but Ginny and Harry both caught it. Well, they thought they did.

'What?' Harry spat.

'Excuse me? WHO?' Ginny gasped, and Hermione nodded, more tears spilling down her cheeks.

'Please - you can't tell anyone; it was a mistake and I told him the last time that-'

'The last time?' Ginny's whisper cut through Hermione's own voice like a knife. Harry stood up as if automatically, and began pacing back and forth in front of both girls.

'I... He follows me sometimes... and he corners me... says things... nice things... and I get confused - Harry, Gin, I'm so sorry! Please it won't happen any more, ever again, and-'

Harry stopped walking and turned to Ron, before slowly to Hermione.

'Malfoy?' He whispered. 'I'll kill him.'

'No!' Hermione shrieked, her feelings towards her torturer becoming a lot clearer in one, little, word.

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