Saturday, October 27, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 2 - 'IN MY TIME'


Harry Lay on his bedroom floor, it had been three months since the Dursleys had captured him and tortured him. He moaned in agony, he was once again lying in a pool of his own blood, though he couldn't even move. He had too many broken bones, and he no longer had two of his fingers. He had hoped that the Order or at least Dumbledore, even Remus might come looking for him, but he was wrong, no one had come, though he had some faint hope of rescue when he had heard his Uncle outside his door talking to Aunt Petunia.

"See that is why we moved dear, I knew if we followed through on our plans they'd come looking and now since we moved they can't find us." Uncle Vernon said, as Aunt petunia muttered how he was a genius. Harry was even more revolted at them, he didn't understand how another human could do this to someone. However Harry knew this was true, they couldn't find them.

"See this Lupin Fellow came looking according to Mrs. Figg, I told her I would give Potter the message, fool she is." Uncle Vernon had said At least he was concerned for him, course Snape would have something bad to say, like famous Harry Potter can't even take down muggles. He sighed as he thought 'Well I wouldn't mind who comes to get me, as long as they take me away from here." Before everything went black.

~The Next Day~
Snape was making hardly any progress in finding Potter, He had been searching a whole month and nothing was turning up. Lately he searched more vigorously for two reasons: the longer a person has been missing the more unlikely it is to find them, let alone find them alive, or for them to even be alive, and second Dumbledores body was being perserved only by a spell, but that was about to wear off, and Snape knew that Potter would kill him if he missed Dumbledore's funeral. He sighed in frustration, as he sat on a bench across from a new house in Stalton High, he could have sworen that Potters trail ended somewheres in this village, but the spell didn't tell where.

Snape rubbed his eyes, he was so tired from looking, he hadn't slept all night, and it was so quiet and peaceful there, the hard wooden bench was even nice and comfortable. Suddenly, not meaning to he slipped into a silent and peaceful sleep, his body moved its way onto the bench flat. It seemed only five minutes had passed when all of a sudden, screaming awoken him, he looked around him, trying to remember where he was. He rubbed his eyes and leapt up as he heard even more screaming, he had thought that was in his dream but apparently it was what had awoken him. He went to whip out his wand, but there were Police cars driving up to the house. He watched in the shadows as two cops entered the home, and returned holding a Large Mans hands behind his back, along with a womans, the second cop had his arms around a lrager boy, who had to be the son.

He heard the cops speaking near the trees he was hiding in--

"No the nieghbor heard screaming, expected Child Abuse and called 911, yet the boy is denying everything, but there are about 7 witness's to the screaming what do we do?" One guy said

"Take them in, along with the boy, he can sit and chat with our counselors, looks like these Dursley's are new in town." The other guy said before he left. they walked away to deal with the Dursleys, while Snape was left to ponder where he had heard the name before. Than it dawned on him, he had heard it from Potter himself, he hated the Dursleys! This was his muggle family! Snape connected the dots fast after that, the screaming wasn't Dudley it was...Harry! snape sprang up and with one loud careless crack, landed in the Dursleys new house. He silently made his way around the house as he heard the cars drive away. Snape went around the house trying to find Potter, but could have kicked himself when he remembered a spell that could help him.

'If this was a fight Snape you could have been killed' he told himself off sternly. He took out his wand and thought 'Humanos Revelio." A flash of light later, He followed the light as it led upstairs into a hidden room.

He turned the book on the shelf and it sprang open. He walked in, turned the light on and gasped at the sight. Harry was on the floor, his breathing was raspy, he was struggling for every breath. snape stood in shock, the boy who lived beaten like a punching bag, no he was supposed to be a spoiled rotten brat, not like, well not like him, Snape. He removed himself from his state of shock, and looked around the room, he gaped as he saw the walls and floors, all blood, it was like it was painted with it, the room reeked of BO, and blood. Apparently Potter hadn't taken a shower lately or used the toilet, as wherever he lay seemed to be the appropriate place. The smell was almost overwhelming, he almost gagged.

He couldn't believe Potter was living in these conditions, he felt a speck of guilt well up in him, while he had been wasting his time Potter was getting beaten to death. He rushed to Harrys' side and lifted him into his arms gently, he was passed out. He turned on the spot and arrived at his house moments later. He lay Harry on a soft waiting table he produced in his bathroom, as he started to undress him. Harry was on the stretcher naked when Snape started cleaning his wounds, and healing as many as possible, he magically cleaned him and redressed him in pajamas after applying bandages to him where the wounds were to deep to heal. He carried him into a separate bedroom and laid him on the bed. He went downstairs awaiting for Potter to awake before he alerted the order.

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