Sunday, November 30, 2008


Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 6 - 'ROUGH LOVE'


Bella's P.O.V.

"Be careful around Snape" Ron warned me. Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron and I were sitting in the Common room- they were giving me pointers about teachers and people around Hogwarts.
"And most importantly, stay away from Draco Malfoy. And don't be afraid to curse him or punch him in the nose whenever it pleases you!" Harry told me. I sat up, now more interested in the conversation.
"What is wrong with Draco Malfoy?" I asked.
"He is horrible. In our third year, he had his father scare people into sentencing a Hippogriff to death. He is NOT someone to mess around with. He even tried to kill Dumbledore once." Harry told me.
I was suprised and a bit upset. This didn't sound like the Draco I knew.
"Oh. Well, I have to be off. See you all in the morning." I escaped out into the hallway. Draco was going to meet me here soon.
"Hey Bell" I heard his voice.
"Oh. Hi Draco."
"Hows Hogwarts going for you?" he asked, putting an arm around my shoulders.
"Ok, I guess. I met some new people."
"Who?" he asked, eye brows raised.
"Harry Potter, Ginny and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger."
He took a step back, nearly jumping at my news.
''WHAT?!" he exclaimed.
"Whats wrong with them?" I said, trying to to hide my face. I knew my new friends weren't that crazy about Draco, either.
"You can't be friends with them! We are, like worst enemies! Harry Potter, and the mudblood! The Weasleys are the worst of the lot!"
"Don't be so mean!"
"Bella- you don't know them!"
"Well... I will soon!" He scowled and said, "Ok- I'm not talking about this anymore. Lets go somewhere."
"Fine." Just as we were walking down the hallway, my hand in Draco's, Hermione walked out with Ron. "Bella?! What are you doing holding hands with DRACO?!" cried Ron.
I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say.
"Go eat slugs, Weasley. Get on to the library with your books, mudblood." Draco hissed. Ron gave me a nasty look, and I pulled Draco away.
"Why did you talk to them like that!?" I cried. "You can't do that! I won't have any friends if thats how you're going to treat them!"
"Bella, you can't hang out with them!"
"Yes, I can!"
"Whatever to you, too!"
"Fine- but if you are with them, don't be hanging around me." he said, stomping off. I felt tears tingling slightly in the corners of my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. Whatever happened, I was marrying Draco, and being friends with Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. I went back to the common room and up to my dorm. I unpacked my clothes and piled up some books by my bed. I lay down, and started reading. I couldn't concentrate at all. I couldn't stand Draco being mad at me. I had to go find him. Was it worth losing him, or people I had known only for a few hours.
It actually wasn't that hard to find him. He was still walking slowly back to the Slytherin common room.
"Draco!" I cried.
"Bella?" he asked.
"I don't have to be friends with Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione if you don't want me to." I said quietly.
"No. Be friends with them. I don't care. I don't want to stop you."
"Oh. Ok."
"Its pretty late, you should go to bed." he told me.
"Ok. See you in the morning." I said, realizing how tired I was. He kissed my cheek and off to bed I went. Sort of.
"Bella?" I heard a few minutes later. It was Hermione.
"Why were you holding Draco Malfoy's hand?"
"I really don't want to talk about it, Hermione."
"Well... Ok. 'Night."
So far, I couldn't tell how good or bad Hogwarts was going to be. Hopefully better that it seemed.

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