Sunday, November 30, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 8 - 'ROUGH LOVE'
Draco and I arrived outside. I saw a long black lake in the distance.
"Wow," I said. "What is that lake doing there?" I asked.
"Sitting." replied Draco.I giggled. He smiled at me.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
"We could do what the lake is doing." offered Draco.
"Sit?" I asked. He chuckled.
"Yup!" We came to a tree and he sat down, facing the lake. I sat down next to him and he put his arms around me. After kissing my cheek, he said to me
"How is everything?" he asked me again.
"I said fine."
"No its not. You don't look fine."
"I'm fine now." I told him.
He frowned. "Seriously, Draco. I'm fine." I tried to convince him, while trying to read his face.
"Ok, fine." he decided. He reached down to kiss me, but we heard a ear-piercing shriek come from a few trees awway.
"Hermione!" I heard someone's voice yell.
I looked over to see Hermione sprawled out on the ground, Ron climbing out of the tree to help her.
"Hermione?" I called out surprised.
Draco and I stood up and we ran over to Hermione.
"What are you doing?!" Draco snarled.
Ron opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out. Hermione did the same and I surprisingly felt tears come to the corner of my eyes.
"Come on Hermione." Ron muttered.
"Uh, I kinda just fell out of a tree here. Ow!" She exclaimed.
Ron crouched down to help her up. "Owww!" Hermione moaned. "What is wrong?" He asked. "I think I... oh never mind. Lets go." she said, taking Ron's hand and dashing off.
"Frieks." Muttered Draco. He looked up at me. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "They were spying on my. I overheard them talking this morning. They don't want me to be their friend if... because of you." the words flew out of my mouth. Guess it wasn't a secret anymore.
"What did you just say?!" he growled.
I sighed, but repeated myself.
"Come on. We are going to go find them." He took my hand and started to walk.
"No!" I stopped. "I don't want to." He sighed, but started back towards the tree.
"So... do your parents or Bellatrix or Snape know when the wedding will be yet?" I asked quietly, incase anyone was listening. "Well, since you were born in April, and I was born in January, we are both already 17 and could do it whenever we wanted." He told me.
"But... well. When do you think would be best?" he asked.
"Er... soon? I don't know. Maybe in December or during the summer. Though.. maybe in late October. I love Fall with the smells and leaves."
"Gee, that narrows it down a bit." he joked.
"What do you think?"
"I dunno. Maybe in... I think in summer would be nice, but that is too long a wait. December sound nice." he decided.
"Ok, December."
"I'll talk to my parents about it." he said.
"Ok, what about-" I didn't get to finish my sentence. Draco had reached down to kiss me. So much for further wedding plans.
A few hours later, we started back to the castle.
"Hello Draco! Would this be Miss Bella?!" I heard a ringing light voice in front of us.
"Uh. Hi Audrey. Yeah, this is Bella." Draco replied flatly. In front of us stood a girl with waist long curly light gold hair. She had piercing blue eyes that stared directly in to mine for a moment. She smiled.
"Hello Bella. Draco, do you mind if I talked to Bella for a minute?"
"Uh. No, I guess. See you later Bella."
"By Draco." I was sad to see him go. 'Gee, thanks' I thought. 'Leave me with a wacky stranger'.
"Bella. I am Audrey Maybrook. You're mom was Hallie Willow. She was one of my mother's friends in school. She told me about you. Said you would be coming this year. You know, you look just like her!"
"Huh? Who? Look like who? Who is your mom?"
"You. You look like your mother. My mom is Kelsey Maybrook."
"How do you know what my mom looks like?" I asked, kind of freaked out.
"My mom has an old picture of her and Hallie and Bellatrix back in their 6th year." she explained.
"Um. Ok." I was at a loss of words.
"You know, it is weird you ended up in Gryffindor. Hallie was in Slytherin, and Oliver Willow was a Gryffindor... I guess we all just thought you'd end up in Slytherin..." her voice trailed off.
"I'd better go." I excused myself back up to the Gryffindor common room.
"Bye bye!" her voice trilled after me.
The next morning, I got dressed in a bright yellow top and a jean skirt with light green leggings. I pulled silver hoops with red beads hanging on the bottom through my ears. Quickly curling my hair and putting it up, I slipped on some shoes and headed down to the Great Hall. As soon as I finished eating, I heard a familiar voice call to me.
"Bella! Hi Hi Hi!!!" Audrey's voice again trilled in my ear. I almost groaned aloud.
"Come with me, I want to show you something!" She said, pulling me away.