Sunday, November 30, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 3 - 'ROUGH LOVE'
After breakfast, Lucius spoke up fefore they all left the table.
"Draco, Ella, we have some news for you." Ella and Draco looked up.
"You two've been betrothed" he announced.
"WHAT?!" a horrible noise came from Draco. His chair tipped backwards, him still in it, and he banged his head, hard against the \wall.
"OW!" he yelled. Narcissa ran over to help her son. Ella's eyes widened, tears leaking from them. All she had ever wanted was to find true ove, not forcesd love.
"Father! How- Why- Urrgh!" Draco said, rubbing his head.
"Draco, come with me." Lucius snarled, pulling Draco away, Snape, Narcissa and Bellatrix followed closely behind, leaving Ella at the table; crying her eyes out.
Draco's P.O.V.
"Draco, you have to marry her." my father hissed.
"It is the only way to keep her safe" Bellatrix said.
"Safe?! Safe from what?" I cried.
"The Dark Lord, of course!" Bella yelled.
"Draco, her mother was a muggleborn who married one of the Dark Lord's Death Eaters; then left him." Narcissa said.
"I don't want some arranged marriage!" I yelled.
"I don't want to end up like you two!" I said, pointing to my parents. My mother gasped and my father hugged her.
"The only ones who arranged our marrage were us, Draco." My father told me.
"We were a couple at school for three years. Then we got a home after school, and a year later got married." my mother said, her voice slightly shaking. Bellatrix had left the room. Then, my parents and Snape left.