Saturday, October 25, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 6 - 'ALWAYS REMEMBER WHAT YOU CAN'T FORGET'
It was the first Friday back at Hogwarts, and Liz was on her way to Ancient Runes when she caught sight of blonde hair walking alone about ten feet in front of her. She and Abraxas had become fast friends, studying together and joking around. She’d found that she greatly enjoyed his company. He made the fact that she wasn’t on speaking terms with Sirius easier.
“Ax, wait up!” she called. He turned and smiled as she fell into step beside him.
“Where are you off to?” he asked.
“Ancient Runes. You?”
“Muggle Studies.” She looked at him strangely.
“I know absolutely nothing about them.”
“Oh. I’ve met quite a few, they’re very nice. Except my father’s relatives, I really can’t stand them.”
“How many times have you met them?” he asked, truly interested.
“Only twice. Once at some woman named Marge’s funeral, and another when my father invited them to tea last year. He seemed to think they could reconcile. That was a disaster, that was.”
“Why? What did they do.”
“Well my Great Aunt Petunia, she’s really not that bad. But she’s married to this oaf named
“Will do. Bye.”
“Bye.” Liz said for the last time, laughing. She sat in her usual seat in the back of the classroom and pulled out her heavy rune dictionary. She felt someone sit down beside her. Assuming that it was either Angenette or Marissa, she was startled when she looked up to find Sirius sitting next to her. She uttered a small scream and fell off her chair.
“Nice to see you too.” he said sarcastically as she picked herself up off the floor.
“Can I help you with something?” she asked, her face now resembling a tomato.
“I’m sorry, even though I’m not really sure what it is I’m supposed to be sorry for.” He sounded very bitter, and she wasn’t sure why.
“You’re not sure what you have to be sorry for?” she asked angrily.
“Do you know what I have to be sorry for?” he asked, looking straight into her eyes.
“Of course I do!” she exclaimed.
“Erm...oh...alright, maybe I don’t, but that’s not the point.” He smirked at her, then frowned again.
“I went back to the library, you know. Even brought you flowers. But you seemed to have found other company.” he said cooly. Her eyes widened.
“Oh, is that what your so angry about! Honestly, me and Ax were just studying.”
“His name is Abraxas, of course he shortens it.” she said, exasperated.
“My name’s Sirius.”
“Fine, I’ll call you Siri from now on.” He gave her a look. She glared back.
“I thought you hated him.” he said.
“I never knew him.”
“Okay, I’ll make you a deal. You never say anything about Wednesday and I’ll never try to stop you from ‘studying’ with him.”
“We were just studying.” He shrugged. “But fine, on one condition. Never make me call you Siri.” she said desperately. He laughed a genuine laugh.
“Sounds good to me.”
Professor Milanthus, head of Hufflepuff, gave them their translations for next week, and they set to work on it. Liz liked this class because the professor was kind and did not mind talking. She usually just sat at her desk while they helped each other with their homework.
“That’s partnership, not defense.” she said, pointing at one of Sirius’s lines. “And he’s really nice, you know.”
“Let’s not talk about your boyfriend right now.”
Angenette turned around in her seat so fast Sirius thought he heard a crack. “Liz has a boyfriend? Why didn’t you tell us?” she demanded.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Liz exclaimed.
“You’ve been spending enough time with him.”
“No one asked you to join this conversation, Lupin.” Angenette said.
“I started this conversation!” he replied in disbelief.
“Oh for bloody Merlin just tell us who you were talking about!” Marissa hissed unexpectedly. Sirius looked at her strangely. This was the first time he’d heard her talk properly.
“Malfoy.” Sirius said, looking like he had something sour in his mouth.
“MALFOY!” Angenette screamed.
“Miss Finnigan, please keep your voice down.” Professor Milanthus said.
“Sorry professor.” she replied. “Malfoy?” she asked quietly.
“I don’t see what everyone’s problem is.”
“He’s a Slytherin!”
“My cousin’s a Slytherin.”
“Yes, but that’s different.”
“I don’t know, it just is.”
“My problem isn’t him being in Slytherin.” Sirius put in.
“Then what is your problem exactly?”
“I just think he’s a rotten git.” he replied. “You can be a rotten git without being in Slytherin.”
“You don’t even know him!”
“I can tell.”
“Can you at least try to be civil to him?”
“Why?” Angenette and Sirius asked at the same time.
“Because you’re my friends and he’s my friend and I don’t want to spend all year splitting up fights!”
“I think you may be asking for a miracle.” Marissa put in, eying the other two.
“I concur with Marissa.” Sirius said, causing her to go ever so slightly red.
“Well Mr. Inter-House Unity, here’s your chance to walk the walk. Be nice to him.” Liz interjected.
He looked at her pleadingly. “Do I have to?”
“Fine.” he gave up as the bell rang, “I’ll be civil to him.”
“That’s all I ask. Come on, we have break, and I believe we have a debate to settle.”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” he said as they sat down at the corner of the courtyard. Angenette and Marissa had gone back to Gryffindor tower. “I owe you flowers.” He produced a bouquet of roses.
She blushed. “Oh, you didn’t have to.”
“No, I did.”
Liz pulled an old piece of parchment out of her bag and muttered, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” The Marauder’s Map sprang to life.
“No, see, look, I was right.” Liz stated. “The Room of Requirement’s not on here. It should be right there.” They had been having a debate on the matter Tuesday night.
He leaned over her to look at the map. “Oh, yeah, guess you are.”
“Someone owes me five galleons.”
Looking for a change of subject, Sirius looked at the map. He saw a tiny dot labeled “Abraxas Malfoy” headed towards them. ‘Oh, this could be fun.’ he thought.
“Liz, your friend’s coming.”
She looked down, then looked up, and whispered a hasty, “Mischief managed.” Stuffing the map back into her bag, she tried to look surprised at the sound of her name.
“Hello Elizabeth.”
“Hi, Ax. know Sirius right?” she said awkwardly, jumping up off the ground. Sirius quickly followed. Both boys were eying each other with dislike.
“Lupin.” Abraxas said.
“Malfoy.” Sirius responded. Liz glared at him.
“But you can call me Sirius.” he said. Liz nodded in approval. “When Liz is around.” he added. She sighed.
They stood in a strained silence for a few minutes before Sirius took pity on Liz and spoke.
“Alright, look. Were obviously going to have to get used to each other since you and Liz are friends now, so let’s just try to be mature about it.”
“That sounds fine to me.”
“But be warned, Liz is like my little sister.” he said, putting a protective arm around her shoulders. “If you so much as think about hurting her...”
“Sirius, I’m older than you.” Liz interrupted.
“Only by a day!”
“There’s still the fact that you hated me for most of our lives.”
“Well...” Abraxas cleared his throat.
“As, er, lovely as this has been, I need to be going. I’ll see you later.” he directed at Liz. He gulped, “Sirius, hopefully not as soon.”
As soon as he was out of earshot, Liz rounded on Sirius. He was expecting to get yelled at, and was surprised to see a small smile on her face.
“What?” he asked, perplexed.
“You are completely impossible.” she laughed, then turned on her heel and began walking back to the castle. Sirius chuckled to himself as he watched her retreating back. This would be almost too easy.
“Mischief managed.”