Saturday, August 16, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 24 - 'YOU WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO MEAN THIS MUCH TO ME, DRAMIONE'
Harry burst into the kitchen, kicking the door aside. Hermione was at the table, coffee mug in hand, tear stained cheeks. She was sporting a Slytherin T-Shirt.
She looked up at him, throwing the mug, running towards him.
Harry caught her, holding her close.
She pulled him to the floor, crying.
“What happen?”
Hermione couldn’t speak, she never felt this way before. She felt has if her body was being ripped apart. Her stomach hurt, her head aced and her heart felt as if someone torn her open and stole it. Then stomped onto it a million and one times.
“He--he left me!” She screamed into his Auror uniform.
Harry smoothed her hair, rubbing her back. A small smile on his face. “Why?”
Hermione shrugged, “I don’t know….I didn’t do anything to make him leave.”
Harry sighed. “Its for the best Mione.”
“Please don’t call me Mione, Harry.”
He looked down at her. “Ron and I’ve called you that forever.”
“I know I’m sorry, but that’s what Draco used to call me.” She looked up at him, he used his thumb to wipe away her tears.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“There isn’t anything you can do, do you know where he went?”
“No…I have no idea…he might be with Crabbe or Goyle.”
Harry knew he had to get this back to Kelley. “Is there anything you need?”
Hermione shook her head, “No…”
“Are you sure?”
She shook her head yes.
“Okay.” He stood up, bend down and picked Hermione up too, pulling her into a big hug. “I’m here for you.” He whispered.
“I know. I feel like everything is falling apart. My family wont speak to me, my friends hate me, Draco leaves me. What have I’ve gotten myself into Harry?”
He shrugged. “Don’t worry, things will get better, it may not seem like it, but everything happens for a reason.”
“He’s gone!? He left her?” Kelley walked around the office, jumping for joy.
“Yes, and she has no idea why, or where he went.”
Kelley couldn’t believe what she was hearing, finally, finally things were going her way. Soon her and Draco would be together, everything was going to work perfectly. “No matter, we can find him, he of all people should know.”
Harry walked over to the window. “So are we done here?”
Kelley faced him. “Yes, Mr. Potter, I believe our mission have been completed. You now have what you want and so do
“Good.” He couldn’t help but smile.
Hermione looked out the bay window, snow covered the grown, trees, houses. Her forehead was rested on the glass, her fingertips chasing the snowflakes. She was cold, her knees against her chest.
“Draco….” She muttered. Her eyes scanned the roads, but they were bare. “Where was he?” It had been weeks since Hermione and Draco’s last encounter. No one knew where he went, not even the Ministry had seen him.
She turned around, her eyes blazing, but fell when she realized it was Harry.
“Well don’t look to excited to see me.” He handed her a mug of fire whiskey.
“I’m sorry Harry…how did you get in?” She brought the mug to her lips.
“Door was open, I thought you could use a friend, everyone a work misses you.”
“I’m going back in a few days, I just need some time to myself. How is everyone? Do the Weasleys still dislike me?”
“Sad to say yes, I’ve been trying to talk to Ron and Ginny.”
She returned to the window. “Well if they wont believe me, then they are no friends of mine.”
“Mione, you need to get out of this house, lets go do something, like the old days.” He placed his hand on her arm. “Come on, you know you want to. And it is almost Christmas, we can go see what they have at the stores. ”
“I don’t know Harry, I really just want to be alone.”
Harry placed his hand back on the mug and looked out the window too. “Alright I guess I’ll just leave you to your thoughts. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Hermione watched him walk down the driveway, and disappear. Of course she felt bad, she knew Harry was trying to help, but he didn’t understand, no one would. She looked down at the fire whiskey, tapping it with her wand, turning it to hot coco.
Draco was resting in bed, his eyes scanned the dark green room, it was cold and lonely.
Kelley sutured in her sleep, making him face her for a split second.
Chills ran down his spine.
She reached for him, placing her arm around his chest.
Cringing he slowly got out of bed, and walked to the dinning room. His parents were at the table. Narcissa gave a half smile, Lucius beamed.
“How are you my son?”
Draco shrugged his shoulder, taking a seat at the end of the table. Lately his father has took him in with welcome arms. And Draco knew that was never a good sign. Him and his father were not the ones who show expression. Anger, and anger only.
“We need more information about the order, what have you all found out?”
Draco ruffled his hair and began to slouch.
“Sit up straight.” A voice snarled, pointing their wand at him.
Draco started to go into a fit.
“Stop it!” Screamed Kelley.
She was standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Staring down the stranger. “That is enough!”
The stranger snarled. “Now tell us everything.”
Draco rubbed his arm, oh how he hates that spell. All his life she was tortured with it, even as a toddler. “I told you everything already. There is nothing more.”
“Rubbish. Tell us Draco or you Mudblood wife will be destroyed.”
Kelley’s mouth dropped a little. “You didn’t kill her yet?” Her voice high pitch.
“No I have not.”
Everyone looked at him.
He looked at the table, his reflection in the wood. He looked horrible.
“Either you get rid of her, or we will.” The stranger rose to his feet, tucking his wand back into his cloak. “When you left you were supposed to go forward with the plan. But yet here you are, and OUR plan has not gone forward.
Draco knew he should be looking up but he couldn’t.
“Do it, NOW!”
Hermione woke the next morning, tangled in blankets.
“Get up sleepy head.”
Hermione tried to pull the covers over her head, but they were stuck to her.
“Go away!”
“Nah! Come on, lets go do something.” He tickled her.
“Harry get off!” She burst out into a fit of giggles.
“Come on get up! We have a lot to do today!”
Hermione twist and turned trying to escape.
All movement stopped.
“What the?”
Hermiones books fell off the dresses onto the floor.
“Weird.” Harry walked over and picked them up.
“Do we have to go into town today?”
“Yes, lets get you out of here.”
Harry jumped off the bed, pulling Hermione with him. Tossing clothes at her and pushing her into the bathroom. “Change now.”
She rolled her eyes, closing the door.
“That’s hideous.” Snarled Harry.
They two Gryffindors were looking in through a window, Hermione had her eye on a sweater.
“I think its cute.”
“Yeah right its ghastly.”
“Not that yellow one, the blue one behind it!” She grabbed Harry’s chin, pointing it in the right direction.
“Oh. Well are you going to get it?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe, lets keep looking.”
Harry noticed she back to a depressed mood. “Whats wrong?” He bumped into her.
“Nothing.” She lied.
“Come on Mione. Don’t make me do ‘it.’”
Hermione’s eyes widen. “No Harry please don’t.”
He chuckled. “I going to.” He raised his arms.
She shook her head no. The last time he did this was at school. Both her and Ron were are a dark red, embarrassed/laughing.
“Harry please there are people around.” She stopped in the middle of Diagon Alley.
But he didn’t care, with his arms at the level his head. He began to flap them, cawing like a bird.
“I’m a bird.”
Hermione blushed.
“I’m a plane.” He zoomed around her, picking up speed.
People were stopping now.
“I can fly.” He ran to a bench, and jumped off it. Flapping his arms, trying to fly.
She was giggling now. It amazed her how hard he tried to make her smile.
“I’m taking your bags!” He swooped down towards her, grabbing her things, running the other direction.
“HARRY!” She screamed, running the same way he left. “Come back here!”
He turned a corner.
Hermione slid, falling into him.
Gifts everywhere.
“That’s the Hermione I know.”
She blushed, picking herself up, holding her hand out to him.
“You are simply amazing Harry.”
“I know.” He joked, picking up the gifts.
Our of the corner of her eye, she swore she saw blonde hair.
“Alright Harry I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hugged him. He turned, walked out the door and disappeared.
She smiled as she began to wrap her gifts. There weren’t many, since her friends and family disowned her.
“What the?” Hermione walked out into the hallway, leaning over the rail, peering into the darkness.
That’s when she saw them…dark hoods….wands….torches….death eaters.
She gasped, one saw her and ran up the stairs.
Screaming she ran to the bedroom.
Slamming the door. Locking it.
Her heart was racing.
Fiddling with her wand, the death eater broke in.
A struggle broke out.
Hermione began to kick, punch, scream.
“STOP!” The death eater yelled, trying to pin her down.
She knew that voice, her hands grabbed the mask, pulling it off.
And there standing before her, was her husband, Draco Lucius Malfoy.
Draco was a death eater.