Saturday, July 26, 2008


Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 22 - 'DRACO, LOVE'


Seamus was brought in only moments later, limp and weak carried in by Oliver who dropped him on the marble floor and went to stand beside Kendra and Draco. Seamus was on his knees, his hands bound in front of him as he looked up at the ceiling as if they weren’t there staring down at him, as if he wasn’t facing death at that very moment.

Hermione looked down at him and swallowed. Hard. She pushed her hair off of her face, and glanced from Seamus to Malfoy and Kendra, whose hands were linked as they whispered to one another, oblivious to Hermione’s sweating palms and shallow breathing. Seamus’s eyes were blank, and Hermione wondered if he was even lucid enough to know where he was, and what was about to happen to him. But Seamus’s gaze did not focus, on Hermione or anyone else, only on the dimly lit ceiling above.

“Let’s get this over with,” a snarling growl said, the chilling voice echoing throughout the room. Hermione stiffened and looked over at Draco and Kendra, who both had the same look of cool indifference on their faces as Voldemort glided into the room wearing a long, black cloak. His dark eyes were stuck on Hermione’s face as he circled her to stand a few feet away from Seamus, glaring at her still.

Hermione could feel Oliver behind her and she wondered where Raquel was. Hadn’t she been almost totally joined at the hip with Oliver only moments ago? Where was she now? “Don’t keep me waiting, Mudblood,” Voldemort hissed. “Or you will be waiting for death beside Seamus there.”

Hermione’s brown eyes flashed to Kendra, whose head was resting against Malfoy’s arm, her rings shining in the dim light. She nodded tersely. Hermione pulled her wand from her cloak and gripped it tightly in her hand. The thin line of wood was slippery in her hand. Feeling their eyes on her, and knowing that Voldemort was waiting for her to back out so he could kill her himself, Hermione raised her wand.

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