Saturday, May 31, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 5 - 'THINK TWICE'
I couldn't believe that Hermione was spending time with that git, Malfoy. A couple months had gone by since the opening banquet and Malfoy and my girlfriend were getting closer every day. You could say I was a bit p.issed. I would be walking down the hall and then hear a familiar high-pitched laughter mingling with another. I'd turn the corner and see the Head Boy and Girl laughing over some unknown joke. For all I knew they were laughing at me. Harry Potter. Hermione's boyfriend.
So I cornered Hermione one day after classes. After kissing her firmly--to remind her of our relationship-- I grabbed her arm. "Why are you with Malfoy so much?" I asked, my voice low and threatening.
"Why do you care?" she answered, her face pale. I had never been abusive towards her before. "I'm sleeping with him if that's what you think!"
"I don't know what to think! All I know is that you and Malfoy have been spending a lot of quality time together and you don't seem to be as into me as you were before you started hanging with him!"
Hermione's jaw dropped and she glared. "Are you jealous?" she gasped, wrenching her arm out of my grasp. "I love you Harry! Isn't that enough?"
"Why don't you show it?!" I was being completely unreasonable, and I knew it. I was just so angry that she would drop me for that dam.n Slytherin that I didn't know what to think.
"I do! Every day! I kiss you, I hug you, I buy you things! What else am I suppossed to do?"
"Stop hanging with Malfoy!" I couldn't believe she was acting so stupid!
"He's the Head Boy Harry! We have to 'hang' to get our duties done!" she protested, her eyes welling up with tears.
I shook my head in disgust, turned on my heel, and stalked away.
What brought about this change? Maybe I'll tell you, but not right now. Not yet.