Saturday, March 29, 2008
Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 54 - 'SAVE ME'
Heart beating quickly than Draco thought humanly possible he ran down the hall holding the sword he had used to steal Harry Potter’s life. Luckily, no one was there. Draco took a deep breath and leaned against the wall closing his eyes, taking in deep breaths. The scene played over and over in his mind. Harry still laughing as he had plunged the sword into him as hard as he could, it was amazing how hard it really was to get a sword into a human being. The look of shock on Harry’s face as he pulled it out and Harry falling onto his knees before falling to the ground his life closing to an end. Draco shuddared he was still alive when he had left him, and no one should have to die alone, but he couldn’t risk being caught. Draco shivered the scene playing in his mind again. Draco took in a deep breath but it didn’t help, he leaned over and vomited. Draco’s hands were trembleing and he got sick again. After that he stood up, looking at the sword which held Harry’s blood.He picked it back up and closed his eyes attempting to dissaparate.
“Draco?”Neville was walking down the hall looking worried. Draco gave him a pained look. Neville was in shock. Draco was pale and sickly looking and he was holding a bloodied sword. Draco looked at Neville in remorse.
“I’m sorry,”Draco whispered and then he was gone. Neville frowned confused, his throat went dry. Draco holding a bloody sword and Harry wasn’t with him. Vomit and blood drops stained the hallway floor. Neville felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Neville ran down the hall to his and Draco’s room and threw open the door. His blood went cold as he ran into the room. Harry was on the ground writhing in pain, bleeding everywhere. He was on Draco’s side of the room and Neville ran to him quickly ignoring Draco’s rule of not crossing the line, he didn’t belive that rule mattered anymore.
“Oh my god!”Neville cried kneeling next to Harry. Harry was staring up at the ceiling his green eyes sparkleing with a feverish haze.He stopped writing he didn’t seem to feel the pain anymore and a relaxing calm was taking over him. He was paper white, which made the blood stand out so vividly.Neville felt sick, there was no doubt in his mind, Draco had done this. He closed his eyes in horror.Harry’s robes were stained with blood and a puddle of it was around Harry, Neville was kneeling in it. cold sweat was dripping down Harry’s face.
“N-Neville?”Harry sputtered blood trickeling out of his mouth.
“Shh, don’t talk. I’m going to get help, Harry i’m going to get help, Harry stay with me,”Neville said alarmed as Harry’s breathing seemed to slow.Neville squeezed Harry’s shoulder gently. He couldn’t leave Harry not like this. Neville took out his wand, and waved it, he had never been able to preform this spell, but it was a matter of life and death now. His patronus ran down the hall away from Neville, off to find someone to get help. “Stay with me Harry,”Neville said looking down at Harry with worry.
“And after the streets run with the filthy blood of the muggles,”she continued. Voldemort supressed a sigh glancing at the clock. Rodolphus was scowling at her holding his head, apparently he had a massive hang over and for some reason unknown to Voldemort had burnt his tongue on...something. Voldemort was sure he was better off not knowing. This was the last time he would ever ask what Bellatrix thought a good attack plan would be. It had been thirty five minutes now that she’d been talking. With a loud crack Draco Malfoy appeared. All fell silent. Lucius gazed at Draco with worry. Draco dropped a bloodied sword at Voldemort’s feet.