Saturday, March 29, 2008


Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 55 - 'SAVE ME'


The boy was pale and sickly looking. Draco attempted to look triumphent but it didn’t work out so well so he just forced a smirk. Voldemort looked to the sword, not just any sword either, the sword of Amarra then to Draco. Well well, how did Malfoy get his hands on this? Voldemort thought.

“Potter’s blood, I killed him,”Draco stated looking away to hide the guilt in his eyes.

“Why didn’t you just avada kedavra him?”Voldemort quipped. Draco’s eyes reluctantly met those of the dark lord’s, Draco’s eyes flashed angrily, momentarily, as he supressed a witty comment involving the avada kedavra failing the first time when Voldemort himself had tried and failed. Draco answered,

“I thought it would be more insulting to the Order of the Phoenix. I not only tricked them and killed Potter but I killed Potter with this sword. For some reason there very attatched to it,”Draco said with a forced sly smirk. Truth was he wouldn’t have been able to pull the curse off. The worse Harry would get was a bloody nose and then he’d have to deal with a very angry Harry. Not that he couldn’t take a very angry Harry but he would probably get kicked out of the order, than his mother would die, and Draco could go on and on about what could happen, but the one thing he knew was that he couldn’t preform the curse, not even to save his mother because deep down he had no desire to kill Harry. He knew it and Voldemort knew it.However most of the deatheaters seemed impressed. Draco’s eyes caught his father’s momentarily before he quickly looked away.

“You are sure he is dead?”Voldemort questioned. For Merlin’s sake the sword has bits and pieces of organs on it! Of course i’m sure! Draco thought bitterly. “Yes my lord, nothing could have saved him,”Draco said and he cringed slightly, because this wasn’t a lie. Potter was probably already dead. . . by his hand. Draco supressed a wave of guilt. The look on Harry’s face haunted him, he didnt dare close his eyes because he saw Harry’s face still laughing as he plunged the sword into him and the look of horror and pain slowly spread across Potter’s gentle features. He hadnt deserved that. Voldemort gazed at Draco still he didn’t look convinced.

“Then you wont mind this,”Voldemort stated pointing his wand at Draco. Draco froze. Lucius Malfoy stood up.

“My lord-“Lucius said clearing his throat.

Sit down Malfoy,”Voldemort hissed and reluctantly Lucius sat down.

Legilimens!”Voldemort snarled, and Draco let out a groan as the curse hit him. He hated this spell, he felt so invaded, if only he had bothered to pay attention when Severus and his father had tried to teach him occlumency. But no, he had told him getting occlumency lessons were about as useful as knowing how to play the piano and not having any fingers. He may have been wrong on that one. He shuddered, the room dissapearing around him into blackness. Voldemort invading your mind was like having the feeling of spiders crawling all over you. You know that the creepy crawly things are there, but there crawling so fast that you can’t catch them, and all the while a feeling of dread is over you. Suddenly Draco was back at Malfoy manor, outside, in front of it, Draco was looking at a younger version of himself riding his first broom hoverng over the wet green grass.

“Careful,”Narcissa Malfoy said with a warm smile to Draco. Draco felt a pang in his heart, he missed her so much. He hoped that once Voldemort saw that he killed Harry she would be returned to him.

“I’m fine,”the younger Draco stated raising in the air slightly.

“Sit up straight Draco, like riding a horse,”Lucius Malfoy instructed holding a rare smile. Draco smiled at the memory, he had had to have been at most about five. Then the memory faded away, Draco was a little older and he had stolen his father’s wand and was playing with it in his room making all his toys come to life. The younger Draco watched facinated as his toy owl flew around his room, holding his screaming quidditch action figure. Why Voldemort wanted to blip through these childhood memories before the death of Harry Draco may never know, perhaps because Voldemort never had a real childhood of his own, maybe it was curiosity. . .

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