Saturday, February 16, 2008


Continue Story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 6 - 'MAGIC BASKET'



It would be the understatement of the century to say I was a disapointment to my parents. I think if I could have sank any lower, I would have killed them.

"Nonsense, Alice, we love you!"

There was no need to lie, mom. Taking out a sheet of paper, I began to write my life story. But, be warned, this is for my eyes and your eyes, only.

I wasn't always such an idiot. I was a fairly normal, young, witch. Except, I had no friends. I never noticed it. I was happy, I think. I spent my days writing stories about people like me. They were not princesses, or fairies. They were just girls. But then, I went to Hogwarts.

I had chosen a compartment close to the back of the train. I was overwhelmed by all these people. I closed the compartment's sliding door and breathed a sigh of relife.

"Hey, girly. What'cho doin in our compartment, eh?"

I was in a compartment with a bunch of girls. And they looked like they were ready to kill.

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