Saturday, January 12, 2008
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 9 - 'DID SHE REALLY CARE?'
The Grangers and the Malfoys were at breakfast, apparently, Narcissa Malfoy had forced Draco and Hermione to sit next to each other. At breakfast, Draco ate like a pig.
“Draco, the food won’t run away,” said Hermione.
“I know, but I’m hungry. I didn’t eat dinner yesterday thanks to a certain mud- I mean Hermione,” he said with food in his mouth.
“First of all, It wasn’t my fault and second, don’t speak with your mouth full.”
“Fine mother,” he teased, as he swallowed his food.
“You are so annoying,” she said and continued eating, “so what are you doing today?”
“Sounds like you’re going to ask me out,” he said with a smirk. He looked and saw a stern look on her face. “Kidding Granger, you have no sense of humor! The answer to your question, I’m going to Diagon Alley to buy Christmas presents.”
“Really? Can I come? I have presents to buy as well.”
“We cannot be seen together in public. Reputation on the line,” he said stuffing his face with a bread roll.
“I see,” she said with a disgusted look on her face due to his eating. “But I am coming.”
“I don’t care where you go, as long as you leave me be,” he said with his mouth full.
After an shopping for presents in Diagon Alley, they met next to a clothing store. Diagon Alley was very crowded because of people running back and forth to buy Christmas presents.
“Make no eye contact with me,” he whispered to her.
“I know,” she said, turning her head the opposite way. They started walking until Hermione said, “I don’t know why I’m trying to save your stupid reputation, while you’re going to ruin mine by telling Ron I kissed you.”
“Fine, I won’t, just don’t look at me,” he said pinching her arm. She turned around to pinch him back until she saw that he had one small bag. Her hands were full of bags.
“That is all you bought,” she asked pointing to the bag.
“Don’t look at me,” he scolded. “And yes that is all, I only have a mother. I have no friends or relatives.” He pushed through the crowd. He felt that she wasn’t following her, so he looked back.
He saw Hermione shouting, “Mrs. Weasley,” and heading toward a store.
“Do you really have to see her,” he asked following her. He had to be with her at all times was his mothers orders.
He waited outside the store as she and Mrs. Weasley shared a nice big hug, which made Draco a bit sick.
“I heard from Ron the news about staying with the Malfoys,” said Mrs. Weasley.
She nodded and said, “How is everybody?”
“Fine,” she looked outside and saw Draco.
‘”Is that Draco Malfoy,” she asked signaling to him.
“Yes,” she nodded.
“The poor dear, how is he taking his father’s death?”
“Getting better,” she said looking at him.
“Tell him to come in from the cold.”
Hermione went outside and dragged him inside.
“Hello dear,” said Mrs. Weasley. He didn’t answer. “I want to ask you, since you are a male the same age as Ron, what color do you think he’ll like his sweat shirt I will make for him?”
“I think me and Weasley have different interests, but I would like green and black,” she nodded with a smile. “Hermione dear, what color do you think Ginny would like?”
“I’d say Ginny really likes pink and blue.”
She nodded. “Yes. Thank you so much, you really helped. Wait, perhaps you and the Malfoys would like to have dinner tomorrow. I’ll owl your mother and ask her. Ron told me he couldn’t wait to see you, Hermione.”
“I’d like that Mrs. Weasley, Thank you,” said Hermione. She felt Draco pinch her arm. He obviously didn’t like the idea.
“I don’t think we can,” he said to Mrs. Weasley.
“Why don’t you tell your mother and have her owl me about it, Okay? Goodbye dears,” and she went along to buy her supplies.
After she was out of sight, Draco said, “I will not go and act all friendly with you in front of Potter and the Weasley clan.”
“Come on Draco, it will be fun.”
He suddenly forgot about his reputation and stared her right in the eye. “Spending time with a Weasley had never and will never be fun. I am not going.”
“Too bad that’s not your choice. I will tell your mother that Mrs. Weasley invited us, and I’m sure she’ll say yes.”
“If she does and I go, that would be a perfect time to tell Weasley about the kiss.”
“It also would be the perfect time to tell Ron and Harry about the agreement me and you made about being friends.”
“Pretend friends!”
“Whatever. Let’s just go!” she said walking out of the store.
Hermione told Narcissa Malfoy about the invitation. She accepted and owled Mrs. Weasley. She said that it might be the perfect way for Draco to make friends. Draco, of course, disagreed. But his mother forced him to. So the next day, they found themselves in the Weasley house. Mrs. Weasley told Ron and Harry to respect Draco and treat him like a friend even if he insults them.
Hermione was the first to enter Weasley Residence and gave everybody in the house a hug. Her parents were next and shook hands with Mrs. and Mr. Weasley. Narcissa was next. She never liked Mrs. Weasley, but she forgot about that and shook her hand. Draco was the last and didn’t even look at anyone. He stared at the ground and sat next to his mother.
“Why don’t you take Draco and Hermione to your room?” Mrs. Weasley told Ron and Harry.
Ron had an angry look on his face when he saw Draco.
“No thank you Mrs. Weasley. I prefer to stay here,” he said trying to sound polite or his mother would punish him.
“The whole point of us coming here was for you to make friends with them, go!” she whispered to him. He didn’t move. “Go!” she said more angrily. He stood up and followed Ron upstairs.
They were walking up the stairs. “You call this a home?” Draco started as he looked around.
“Yes,” said Ron, wanting to punch him.
“Look at these filthy floors.”
“Be nice,” scolded Hermione as they entered a room. It was a small room with two beds.
“How could you sleep here?” he said disgusted at the sight.
“Shut up ferret boy!” said Ron.
“Make me,” he replied rudely.
“Stop fighting Draco or else!”
“Draco? Since when did you call him Draco?” asked Ron in a worried tone.
“Since she realized I’m the guy she really wants and not you Weasel-B,” he snickered.
“Ron, he’s lying. Put a sock in it,” she said turning to Draco, “Or else.”
“Or else what?” He said getting closer to Hermione.
“Or else I’ll tell them what you don’t want me to tell them,” she said also getting closer.
“If you do so, I’ll tell Weasel-B here what you don’t want me to tell him,” getting closer. Their noses were touching and Ron was getting worried.
Suddenly, Harry spoke up, “Stop fighting, all of you, now what’s this about?” Hermione and Draco backed away from each other.
There was a pause. “Nothing,” said Hermione finally.
“NOTHING!” shouted Ron. “They’re sharing a secret that’s what this is all about!” shouted Ron furiously.
Hermione couldn’t believe that words coming out of his mouth. “Ronald! I can’t believe you’d think that! We ARE NOT sharing secrets. We are blackmailing each other.”
Draco was also mad at what Ron had just implied. He got up, cracking his fist. “What are you saying there Weasley? That me and that mudblood like each other,” he said as getting closer to Ron. Ron slapped him first. At that time Mrs. Weasley came in.
“RONALD!” she screamed. “How dare you do that to a guest?!” she scolded as she walked inside the room over to Draco. He had a furious look on his face. “Are you okay dear?” she asked Draco.
“I’m fine. I just don’t want to be around here any more,” he said rudely as he exited the room.
“What happened?” asked Mrs. Weasley furiously. Hermione followed Draco, leaving Mrs. Weasley scolding Ron.
Hermione saw Draco sit next to his mother with a frown on his face. Hermione also sat down with her arms crossed. She wanted them to get along for once.
A few minutes later, Ron came downstairs beside Draco. “I’m sorry,” he said glumly.
“I won’t forgive you until you’re down on your knees, kissing my robes begging for mercy,” he said with a wide smirk. Ron turned to his mom with an I-won’t do-it face. His mother returned a deathly glare, so he did as he was told. He sit on his knees and kissed his robes.
“I beg for mercy,” said Ron, feeling all eyes on him amused. The whole room was laughing. Fred and George laughed the hardest.
“I like this kid,” said Fred.
“We could use him for our evil plan to dominate the teachers,” said George.
“So, do you forgive him?” asked Narcissa with a wide smile.
Draco, still laughing at how ridiculous he looks, surprisingly nodded. “I forgive you Weasley, only because my mother and yours want me to. But that doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands like a little girl with a wide smile. “Everybody gather round the table. I made a nice big Christmas Dinner.”
Everybody focused their attention from Ron on his knees to the food on the table. There was enough to feed everybody. So they all took their plates and started eating. Draco, loved the food. He ate quickly. He had about five refills. Mrs. Weasley was glad Draco liked the food.
“This is some delicious stuff,” he told Mrs. Weasley without thinking.
Mrs. Weasley blushed, “Thank you, dear.” It made Ron snicker. Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy, actually liked his mother’s food. Harry also snickered. The thought was actually kind of funny. Draco was the first to finish, because he ate so quickly.
“Do you want anymore food dear?”
“No thanks, I full, thank you for a delicious meal Mrs. Weasley, at least one Weasley can make me feel better,” he said glaring at Ron. He saw he was amused at his words. Malfoy was actually praising his mother, and he was actually POLITE in doing so.
“Thank you dear, glad you enjoyed,” said Mrs. Weasley smiling, blushing furiously.
“Mother, what did you do, put some make-a-mean-boy-polite potion in that stew or something?”
“No Weasel-B. I just like your mother’s food; do you have a problem with that? If you do, I suggest you deal with it.” Hermione laughed. She was surprised Draco was acting so polite to a Weasley. Ron couldn’t think of a comeback so kept eating.
“Molly, you should come and eat dinner with us, in the Malfoy Manor,” said Narcissa.
“I would like that,” said Mrs. Weasley as she grabbed Draco’s plate and put it in the sink.
The rest of the visit was full of laughter. All the adults were getting along quite nicely. Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry were sitting there talking to each other. Fred and George started talking to Draco about their evil plan to take over the teachers.
When they were home, Hermione asked, “Seems like you had fun.”
“More fun than I thought. Those two Weasley clones aren’t so bad. They have a little evil going on their heads. Mrs. Weasley really makes some delicious food. You were right, I had fun. It’s a weird feeling, not hating a Weasley, but I did have fun.”