Sunday, January 13, 2008
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) - Chapter 38 - 'DEFENDING ZABINI'
February 13th, 2008
1:00 A.m.
Diagon Ally.
A shadowed figure walked quickly down the empty ally, adjusting their cloak, making sure their hood covered them. They shivered from the winter air, walking quicker, eager to reach their destination. A black boot landed and imprinted its self on an abandoned daily prophet, left on the street, Scarlet Rose's aritcal beaming up at the sky, still the figure quickened their pace, and turned left, entering a small shop, un opened yet, it was going to be a book store. With a swift flick of their wand the door snapped open and the figure walked in easily. The Figure shut the door tightly and entered the black room where gold lettering said: Employees onl. It was missing the y. The cloaked figure entered, looking around the room as if checking to make sure they were alone. The figure laughed softly, picking up a book, the book in bright lettering read, "Little Red Riding Hood." The figure opened the book hands hovering above the open pages and began an echantment and the book glew bright green.
February 13th, 2008
9:00 A.m.
Harry and Ginny Potter's House
"Only eighteen,"Ginny Weasley grumbled scrubbing dishes. Ron raised an eyebrow at her and glanced at Harry. "She still going on about that?"Ron asked. Ron and Hermione had decided to pay them a visit, Ron lifted his plate of food as the kids ran by playing tag. "There so cute,"Ron said. "When there not yours,"Harry grumbled. Ginny glared at him darkly. "It was a joke, their adoreable Ginny,"said Harry quickly. "Hermione, thats an interesting cloak,"Harry said looking at a cloak he had not seen his friend wear before, Hermione was wearing a blood red cloak. Hermione smiled. "I bought it for myself as an award for winning the case,"Hermione said happily. "It's pretty,"Ginny said looking at the red silk cloak.
Hermione smiled. "Oh, I've almost forgotten,"Hermione said sitting up. "What?"asked Ron. "My parents mailed me last night, they want me to go see my grandmother in the nurseing home. She's having problems adjusting,"Hermione said. "Your grandmother is still alive!?"Ron demanded. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes Ronald, she is only in her eightys, muggles live quite long you know,"said Hermione. "but that long? Do they really? Ginny you told me they died at 50,"Ron said. Harry snorted. "Oh I wish,"Harry said muttering something about his uncle. Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek. "I'll be back in an hour,"Hermione said tightening the red cloak around her. "Alright,"said Ron and his eyes fell on Harry. "You watched quidditch last night right?"Ron asked. Harry nodded excitedly. Ginny and Hermione rolled their eyes. "later Riding hood,"Ginny said teasingly. Hermione rolled her eyes and left.