Monday, December 31, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 4 - 'LOVE IS THE CLOSEST THING WE HAVE TO MAGIC'
“Harry where have you been?”
“Look Hermione, it was his entire fault.”
“Shush, the feast has begun.”
Dumbledore looked at all of them, a slight twinkle in his blue eye.
“Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. A pleasure seeing you all again.”
He paused, staring off to space, than lightly shook his head.
“Let the feast begin.” Gryffindor table erupted into applause. He raised his arm to thanks them.
“Bloody h.ell, it gets better every year.”
“Of course Ron.”
“Where Ginny go?” Harry asked, looking up curiously.
“To see a friend.”
“Yeah.” The food was looking so luscious. There were lamb chops, steak, boiled potatoes, pasta, gravy, sausages, roast chicken, and of course peppermint humbugs. Ron grabbed a little of each, gulping it all down.
“Ew, Ron.” Harry on the other hand, looked at him admirably. For desserts there were treacle tarts, trifle, jello, strawberries, another pie, ice cream, etc.
“Pass the pie Hermione.” Hermione handed it over to him.
“Ron, what are you going to….? But before she could finish her question, Ron mixed all the desserts up.
“Ron, you disgusting pig!” Seamus cut in.
“Let the guy eat.” Dean replied.
“Yeah mate good luck!” Harry approved. Ron nodded merrily.
“I need my food.” Everyone agreed at this.
Malfoy’s P.O.V.
“What prank you gonna pull this year?”
“Dunno Crabbe, let the mastermind think, you will!”
“Yes Draco.”
“Think bloody oafs, what can we do this year?” Goyle shut his eyes compactly, thinking hard.
Don’t think too much, or you might lose the brain cells.” Malfoy commented. Crabbe snickered aloud.
“You too rat brain.” That shut Crabbe up, for good.
“Hermione, what’s you first class?”
“Let’s see here, uh Charms Ron.”
“Awesome, I’m with you, Harry?”
“Yeah I’m in.” Hermione spread marmalade on her toast, taking a bite.
“Hermione, give me some!”
“Some what?”
“Lemme make you one.”
“No hurry, from yours.
“Fine, Ron, if you must.” Hermione blushed lightly. Ron took a bite; Hermione noticed crumbs on his lips.
“Ron?” “What?”
“Here, let me see that.” Hermione gently wiped the crumbs off his freckled face. They both blushed and glanced down. Harry ran in that time, not seeing the self-conscious silence. The three of them were walking to Charms together.
“Oh guys, I forgot something. I’ll be back.” Hermione quickly said, than dashing the opposite way.
“OK…Bye to you too.”
“Harry mate, I think I’m in love.”
“That’s nice, Ron."