Monday, December 31, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 22 - 'LOVE IS THE CLOSEST THING WE HAVE TO MAGIC'
“Stay near your window around ten. You’re getting something.” With that he stormed off into the opposite direction of the castle…which lead to who knew where and why. But Hermione didn’t care at all…or did she?
“Hermione…you okay?” Ron said.
“Fine Ronald…” She said, sighing. At that moment Draco happened to past by and Hermione grabbed Ron’s collar snogging him feverish. Draco scowled not able to do any thing just waiting until that day was over and night approached. Neither of them concentrated in their classes either. By the time Transfiguration rolled by both Headboy and Headgirl lost 20 points together by being off task.
“Ms. Granger! What has been going on your mind nowadays? Look at your meek rat. Pathetic, a first year could do better.” Thinking this insult will make Hermione pay attention and do better; Professor McGonagall strolled off to yell at another batch of students in her class. But she was wrong. Hermione laid her head on the table, snoozing off again. Harry and Ron gave each other looks, wondering what was going on with their friend too.
“Harry, you don’t think she is depressed, do you?” Ron said intimidate. Harry looked bewildered at the thought, and shook his head.
“You got to be bloody kidding mate, Hermione? Perhaps about her grades but besides that what could be troubling her? Oh wait. She’s a girl. Everything bothers her.” Harry laughed at his little joke, but Ron wasn’t amused. He was worried about his girlfriend and he thought that it could have been his fault that he done something wrong to make her angry or sad, what could he have possibly done to make her feel like this?
Hermione strolled back and forth in her room, anticipating something any minute now. A minute later, something was tapping on the window lightly. Finally, she thought. Running toward the window she pulled open the latch, the window opening. The wind blew in the room, making her shiver. An owl flew in, dropping a letter onto her bed and then flying away. Jumping onto her bed she grabbed it quickly and ripped it open. Reading it tears fell from her chocolate eyes. This is what the letter said.
Dear Granger,
It’s over. Whatever that happened between me and you were completely a waste of time. I didn’t know what I was doing. Something spiked my drink and I acted like a total moron. Forget about everything that happened. You mean nothing to me. So get over it.
Gasping she rushed to the bathroom and vomited all over the floor before she got a chance to go near the sink or toilet. Sinking down onto her knees she burst out crying. Hermione knew it was stupid to cry and she just should get over the fact that he didn’t like her but she couldn’t. Not now, not forever.
With swollen eyes Hermione proceeded down to the Great Hall keeping her head down, so no one would glance at her. As usual no one did. Except Draco, who looked curiously at her wondering what was wrong with the girl. Then he remembered and put his head down in shame. Pansy Parkinson cooed over him, wondering what was wrong with her so called boyfriend.
“Head duties.” Draco muttered. Pansy nodded, understanding every bit.
“Of course, being with that mudblood 24/7 made you like this. Why don’t know come over to my place?” she said, winking at him slyly. Crabbe and Goyle, Draco’s cronies glanced at her in disgust but wishing that someday she asked them that question. Draco sighed, Pansy thinking she was going to get rejected pouted.
“Sure Pansy. What time?” Pansy’s eyes got wide with happiness.
“Anytime.” She said, trying to be seductive. Draco nodded.
“Of course, I’ll be there.”
Draco rushed to Slytherin Common Room later on that evening, dabbing a bit of cologne onto the collar of his shirt he knocked on the door. A slim pale hand slid out, grabbing his shirt and pulling him in roughly. It was going to be a long night.
“Ginny I need your help.”
“Anything…what is it Hermione?” Hermione sighed, it’s been a long day and she just wanted peace. Ginny and she talked for a good hour.
“I just don’t think it’s working with Ron and I. I mean of course I love him and all, but I think he loves me more then I love him. But he deserves so much more, you know!” Ginny nodded her head, understanding.
“It’s okay Hermione, I’m here for you. We’ll take it step by step. Here drink this.” Ginny handed her a goblet and Hermione sloshed it down sighing before she fell asleep. The redhead girl looked at her friend sadly. She didn’t know what the heck was going on but she needed to figure it out before it all went chaos.