Monday, December 31, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 20 - 'LOVE IS THE CLOSEST THING WE HAVE TO MAGIC'
But Harry became suspicious of Hermione’s strange attitude. It will be late when she fell asleep and when she awoke Hermione had bags of eyeliner, tired and worn out like a fragile doll.
“Hermione you alright?”
“Huh Harry?” yeah I’m well thanks, why?” Hermione asked Harry, pondering if he knew anything.
“No reason, you’re just acting peculiar. Must be a trick of the mind or something like that.” He said.
“Hermione!” “Harry!” Both Weasleys ran toward their loves ones. All four hugged each other tightly, never wanting to let go. Ginny and Harry immediately began kissing passionately, while Ron stared at Hermione awkwardly. Holding hands Harry and Ginny strolled back to the castle, and Hermione and Ron followed. Behind a nearby lone tree, Malfoy watched just wishing for one day that we could spent time with Hermione without the world hating on both of them. It was time to take action, even though he only hung out with her for ten days, Malfoy felt like he knew her forever. That without Hermione life was impossible. Of course he be as well as dead if people knew he if was hanging out with the mudblood.
Ron and Hermione were having their alone time when suddenly Hermione’s skirt’s pocket got warm. “H-Hermione?” Ron mumbled, exasperated since that was the tenth disruption that evening. It was mid-January and they were in the Gryffindor Common Room.
“Sorry Ron, Head Duties you know, I’ll just meet you up later tomorrow.” Hermione said, rolling her eyes behind his back. Ron sighed, and then agreed.
“Alright then.” He leaned over and kissed Hermione lightly on the cheek, while she cringed. He pretended not to notice while he began doing it again. Hermione pushed him away once again. Next she exited and walked back to the Head Common Room. It was obvious that she was lying so then she can meet up with Malfoy, but this time it was unexpected, he knew that she was busy this time of the day, but it was must urgent for him to call her over.
“Draco…?” Hermione said breathless, ten minutes later. “What happened? I thought something grave happened to you or something else or maybe...”the look on his face silenced her.
“Hermione, we need to talk.”
“Oh?” Draco nodded.
“Sit.” Hermione obeyed without delay, surprised at his tone. Draco sat also, across from her.
“Hermione, when are you going to do it? When are you going to leave him for me? I thought we had something special. It’s almost February Hermione, it’s about time you say something.” Draco paused, and then started again. “Wait I get it, do you prefer him over me? Or what?” he slowed down; staring at the girl he loved.
“Draco…I don’t know. Ron really loves me, and how do I know you love me also? I mean you always tortured me and called me mudblood.” Draco thought about this. “Hermione, the last few weeks with you were completely amazing I tell you. I never felt like this with another girl, believe me. If this was really a joke, don’t you think I would have stopped it a long time ago?” Hermione quickly stood up, not taking it anymore. “Draco let me think this out, okay?” With that she ran out. Who knew where and how long? The blonde stared after her, long after she was gone. He walked the opposite direction of her, thinking, just thinking.