Monday, December 31, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 5 - 'LOVE IS THE CLOSEST THING WE HAVE TO MAGIC'
"Of course, you're in love."
"Harry, that's bloody serious!"
"It just is!"
"Well, who is it?" Ron paused, taking the question in, and thoughtfully thinking.
"Hermione." Ron said simply.
"Ron i already knew that." Ron looked bewildered at the thought.
"It was obvious."
"Yeah. how long have you liked her?"
"Well it's a on again, off again, thing mate. Probably for some months. What should i do?"
"It's simple."
"Really, i'm listening...?"
"Ask her out."
"All right.
The bell rang for Charms to begin, Hermione was nowhere to be seen.
Where she go?" Ron asked impatiently.
"Be patient Ron."
"All right class, shall be proceed?" Professor Flitwick asked enthusiastic. A few minutes later, Hermione and Draco barged in the room, out of breath. Everyone gave them suspicious looks at them, wondering. Professor Flitwick came out of his office.
"Aw, I'm sorry Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, detention for both of you for your tardiness. Also ten points from each house."
He looked disappointed at Hermione.
Draco and her glared at each other hatefully.