Saturday, November 24, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 4 - 'SAYING GOODBYE IS THE HARDEST THING (DRACO/HERMIONE)’


The Weasley’s had to stay in the house Draco was meant to be staying in, before the fire. Three days went by, Fred had woken up but Hermione just lay helpless in her bed, still cold and unconscious. Draco didn’t feel guilty about the house fire until Saturday night, after dinner. He was about to go up and see Hermione, but as he passed the Dinning Room, angry voices floated out.

“Yes! It’s his fault! My house, I grew up there, Arthur!”

“The boys not to blame, Molly. He didn’t mean this to happen. Anyway, if it hadn’t been for Draco going out with Hermione, Harry would have never found out about what Voldemort was planning to do. He would have died Molly!”

Draco froze. Did Molly Weasley, who had been so kind to him all this time, really think he intended the house to be burnt down? Did she also think he wanted Hermione to get hurt, and show no signs of ever waking up again?

“All my childhood memories…” Molly was still blabbering on.

“He is only 16. He doesn’t deserve this! You’re as good as a mother he’s got now, Molly. You can’t just abandon him like Narcissa did! Think how he’d feel!”

“He’s not my son!”

“Well imagine it was Ron, he’s the same age!”

Draco could not stand to hear anymore. He fled upstairs and into Hermiones bedroom, locking the door for refuge. He needed time to think. To sort out his head and his thoughts. He needed Hermione.

Draco must have sat there for hours, on the end of Hermiones bed, clutching her hand and thinking. She was still stone cold and had heavy, dark rings under her eyes. All the colour had drained from her face. She looked worse then death. Her skin had turned white and her fingers were so frail and thin, Ron swore that they were likely to snap off if you touched them. Draco was miserable. Hermione was going to die, he knew it. The unpleasant thought stayed in his head, refusing to disappear. A few times, Hermione had coughed slightly, and Draco had hoped that maybe, she might just open her eyes and wake up, but she never did. By midnight, all the family had been to Hermiones door, trying to persuade Draco to come down. Mrs Weasley was angry with him.

“How can you be so selfish to people?” she had snapped through tears, “While your in there, we’ll all out here and we can’t get in to see her because you locked the door…” And it continued like this, until Ginny had told her, rather reluctantly, to shut up and leave him in peace with Hermione. But even with everything quite, Draco feared someone was watching him. And on the third night of locking himself in with Hermione, his fears were confirmed. Draco was sat in his normal place, at the end of Hermiones bed, bending over her and crying softly into her long brown hair. A voice made him jump.

“Not nice to see someone dying, is it, Draco?”

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