Saturday, November 24, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 3 - 'SAYING GOODBYE IS THE HARDEST THING (DRACO/HERMIONE)’
Hermione was screaming somewhere inside the house. Lucius Malfoy was having a fierce duel with Harry with Narcissa clapping her hands in glee every time Lucius managed to jinx Harry. Snape was battling the Weasley twins and Molly Weasley was screaming at them to come away. Bill and Charlie were sheltering in the small greenhouse, Ginny behind then, trying to fight off a female Death Eater with blonde curly hair and ruby red lips. Ron could be heard also in the burning house with Hermione, telling her to run. Arthur rushed over to his wife, now crying over Fred, who had been knocked out by Snape. Draco ran towards the house, ignoring the shouts and chaos behind him. The house was filled with grey smoke and the sound of crackling fire. Then, Draco heard Hermione scream followed by a loud thud above him in the bedroom. Draco rushed for the stairs; half dreading what may await him. Hermione was lay at a funny angle on her back at the top, Ron crouching over her with a black eye. His lip was also bleeding.
“What happened?” Draco asked quickly, unable to keep the urgency out of his voice.
“V…Voldemort.” Ron stuttered, “He came with his Death Eaters, set the place alight, Hermione was still up here, I came to get her…” His voice trailed away.
“He didn’t do…Avada Kedavra…did he?”
“N…no. But he knocked her out with something. She’s stone cold despite how hot it is in here!” The fire was slowly creeping around the house towards them, and Draco knew that if they wasted anymore time, they’d all die in here.
“C’mon!” He urged Ron, “Help me!” He grabbed Hermiones wrists and Ron grabbed her ankles. Hermione was heavier then she looked, but together, they managed to make it down the stairs and outside. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were gone. Fred was still unconscious and George, Mrs and Mr Weasley were pouring over him. Harry lay panting on the wet grass, a deep cut in his forehead. Ginny was rubbing her arms as she sat next to Harry, she had appeared finally from the greenhouse. Bill and Charlie were busy trying desperately to put out the house fire, and when the house lay smouldering, they went to work on comforting their mum. No one had noticed Hermione, Ron or Draco yet. They lay unnoticed until Ron went to get help for Hermione. Draco took this opportunity to bend over her, kiss her lips softly and prey for her to stir and wake up. She just lay there. Moments later, Ron came rushing back with Mrs Weasley, Ginny and Harry close at her heels.