Saturday, November 24, 2007
Continue story (I copy and paste from internet) – Chapter 6 - 'SAYING GOODBYE IS THE HARDEST THING (DRACO/HERMIONE)’
Draco couldn’t sleep. His mind kept shovelling worries up about Hermione.
‘The girl will die next, you can count on that!’
“Well, she is…d.. dying…you, know.”
“It’ll be a miracle if she pulls through.”
“I’m sure he must be stressed out enough without you lot aggravating him.”
Stressed out about what, Draco wondered? Did she mean over Hermione? Tears started to gather in his eyes again. What if the deal that he had made with Voldemort had been for nothing? What if she did die? What would he do? Would Mrs Weasley have been right? Would he end up having killed her because he refused Voldemorts offer to save her? At last, he drifted into an uneasy sleep, his mind still buzzing with answerless questions. His thoughts took him into a dark room. Voldemort stood in the corner, holding Hermiones limp body in his arms. He was crying. Draco was standing in the middle of the room, smirking, his wand held lazily in his hand. “You killed her!” Voldemort was saying, “You killed Hermione!” His voice changed into Mrs Weasley’s, saying the same thing over and over.
“NO!” Draco was now screaming, “NO NO NO!”
“Draco!” Ginny was shaking his shoulders. He could feel cold sweat running down his face. “Are you alright?” She asked. The Weasley Twins staggered into the room, both dressed in identical Pyjama’s.
“Wozgoinon?” Fred asked sleepily.
“Yea, who died?” George was yawning widely.
“Draco just had a bit of a bad dream.” Ginny told them over her shoulder, “Everything’s fine.” The twins turned and left the room.
“What’s up?” Harry voice could be heard down the hall.
“Who was screaming?” It was Ron, “What’d we
“Something about nought!” The twins said together, as they ushered everyone back to bed.
“Are you really OK?” Ginny asked Draco again, “Really?”
“I’m fine Ginny.” He said slowly, muffling a yawn.
“You miss her don’t you?” Ginny face returned calm, “Hermione, you miss her?” Draco nodded.
“Look, that’s why I thought, you know that you’d….” Her voice trailed off to a whisper.
“Killed myself.” Draco finished, “I’d do anything for her.” Ginny smiled, leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“Try and get some sleep.” she said, slowly getting up and exiting the room. Draco waited for her door to shut, then went over to Hermione side. Her face, normally so full of joy and happiness, was sad and turning blue rapidly. Her eyelids were heavy looking and she was still cold as ever. Draco took his usual position at the end of her bed. He picked up her hand and pressed his lips against it. Her face twitched slightly. He leant over her and whispered, “You can’t die Hermione, I don’t know what I’d do.” He kissed her grey, cold lips. Draco drew back suddenly. Had she just been kissing him back? He shook his head, thinking aloud, “No Draco, come on! Pull yourself together!” He shoved his head in his hands. Hermione stirred. She looked around, wondering where she was and caught sight of Draco. He hadn’t noticed her. Slowly, she reached out and placed her cold fingers on his arm. He jumped and stared at her. Her body was so weak, but her eyes.
“Hermione…” his words came out barely more then a whisper. Her body was so weak and helpless, and yet her eyes were strong and trusting. She pulled him down to her level, and kissed his lips gently.
“Can’t get rid of me that easily.” She told him. Draco laughed slightly, then returned her kiss. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and pulled him down beside her. Draco felt so happy, he didn’t care if the whole World could see him now, he just wanted to be alone with her, to stay with her forever and ever.