Saturday, September 29, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet)

They pooled out of the classroom into the halls. A look of confusion passed over his face. "Ant, your a first year,"Harry said. "Potter your intelligence amazes me,"Draco snapped rapping his arm around Jessica. "What are you doing in a seventh year class?"Harry demanded. Anthony grinned. "Hey yeah!"said Draco. "I wanted to see if I could get away with it,"Anthony shrugged. "I guess we'll be splitting up now,"Hermione said. To the left led to Gryffindor tower, to the left, led to the dungeons where Slytherin common room resided. Draco laughed. "You mean you actually are going to do what they say?"Draco said. "Arent you?"said Hermione baffled. "Granger, I want to see whats going on,"Draco said with a smirk. "To the teachers lounge or where ever there meeting,"Draco said.

"Alright genius, how do you suggest we spy on the teachers with one invisibility cloak and all of us?"Harry demanded. Draco took out his wand. "Invisible charms, only last fifteen minutes though,"Draco said with a sigh. They all charmed themselves and crept quietly down the hall. It was hard to figure out where everyone was so they all linked hands. Jessica held onto Dracos who held on to Harrys who held onto Hermiones who held onto Ron's who held onto Rikku's who held onto Anthony. "Gosh Potter your making me blush,"Draco said. "Uck!"said Harry letting go of Draco's hand. Jessica dug her nails into Draco's hand. "Stop it!"she said. "But it's funny,"Draco said with a pout she couldn't see. Draco blindly reached for Harry and found him holding his arm rather than his hand and the group slowly but surely made there way down the hall spotting the teachers, croweded by the hall by Myrtles bathroom.

Jessica bit her lip to keep her from screaming. A girl, in her 5th year was dead staring blankly at the ceiling. She had not been killed by the killing curse, she had two puncture wounds on her neck. Dry blood stained her robes and neck, she had not been killed here, the body had been moved. On her cheek some of her flesh was missing making the symbol of a scull carved into her cheek. "What does this mean Albus?"said McGonagall looking at the body in horror. "It means that something not quite human attacked this girl,"Dumbledore said slowly. "Looks like a vampire,"said Milinday looking sick. "Headmaster there are tracks from the forbidden forest suggesting something was dragged, perhaps the girl wondered to far after dark. There may be vampires in the forbidden forest,"Snape said. Draco winced.

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