Saturday, September 29, 2007


Continue story (I copy and paste from internet)

Rikku looked shocked. "Rowena left too?"she asked. "Yes, I think so,"said Hermione. "Where did they go with each other then?"Harry asked pulling out his homework. "I don't know,"said Hermione. Balin looked puzzled. "Well, if I were them i'd want to come here,"Balin said. "I doubt Rowena would do that. She was very loyal to Hogwarts,"said Jessica puzzled. "I don't really care as long as it doesn't effect me,"said Draco childishly. "Where is Ginny?"Harry asked searching around the room. "The girl who looks like Helga?"Balin asked. Harry nodded. "She had to stay after in potions. Snape was being very unpleasant,"said Balin. "He always is,"Harry muttered. "I rather like Snape,"Draco said. "You would!"said Ron rolling his eyes.

Draco shuddered. He was in an ocean of blood. It was over his head and he was desperately trying to stay above. How many people's deaths could have caused so much blood? What had happened. A boat was drifting towards him. Draco pulled himself in. He was staring at Rikku. "Rikku?"said Draco gently. She wasn't faceing him. Draco shook her shoulder gently and she fell. Two puncture wounds in her neck, A scull carved on her cheek. Draco recoiled letting out a scream of shock. "Is anyone out there!?"Draco asked looking through the vast and bloody ocean. Draco's reflection stared at him in the blood. The reflection tilted it's head when Draco hadn't moved. Draco stared in shock. "Shh,"the reflection said covered in blood, not from the ocean, from something else. Draco jumped and recoiled and fell off the boat, into the ocean plummeting down down and down, into a room. In the Room Tom, Jessie, and Erika were standing over a bloodied figure. It looked like Balin.... and he was falling again falling falling-

"OW!"Draco yelled hitting the floor. He had fallen off his bed. He was safe in his common room. Just a bad dream, right? Draco stood up feeling sick. He changed and left the dormitory. It was just before sun rise. Draco made his way to Gryffindor common room. He had to make sure Rikku was alright. Not that he knew the password anymore, but he had a special charm with the fat lady. "Password?"The fat lady demanded. "Oh yes, you see about that I've lost it and- wow have you done something with your hair?"Draco asked. The fat lady giggled. "And your eyes, simply stunning,"Draco said and he did his best puppy pout. "Could you please let me in?"he asked. The Fat lady giggled and swung open. Draco smirked.

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