Saturday, September 24, 2005
Perish In the Name of Love - Last Episode
Sai Hin is with Puteri Cheng’s sister and he do anything for her as she asked asal she tak serang Jingling. Sai Hin paksa peluk her coz she asked (Puteri Cheng’s sister is Pegawai Dinasti Ming).
But she still wants him…Sai Hin still think about Puteri Cheng. Puteri Cheng’s sister was very angry and suruh askar kurung Sin Hai in lokap. Sai Hin said, ‘U promise tak serang Jingling. Why u tangkap me?’ Puteri Cheng’s sister said, ‘U think about Puteri Cheng only! U tak think about me! I will call Puteri Cheng.’
After Puteri Cheng comes, Puteri Cheng’s sister pura baik with her. Puteri Cheng said to her about her mum’s saying (Her mum is died coz Puteri Cheng’s sister shot her).
Puteri Cheng’s sister was very angry and suruh askar to kurung Puteri Cheng and she said to her, ‘I will jatuh mati di atas u and Sin Hai.’
Pembantu Dinasti Ming ask her, ‘Don’t rush! Bincang baik!’ She ignored him.
When dijalankan hukuman mati di atas Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin, Puteri Cheng’s sister sits on the chair and Sai Hin and Puteri Cheng lay on the ‘kayu bed’ and Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin call each other their names. Puteri Cheng said to Sai Hin, ‘I am very takut!’ Sai Hin said to her, ‘Don’t takut! I am here! We tak pisah selama-lamanya!’ Puteri Cheng was very happy! They look in their eyes. Puteri Cheng’s sister look at them and hate them and she said to askar, ‘Segera jalan hukuman mati to them!’
Askar wet cloth in the kayu bakul with water and put wet cloth on their faces and askar wet 2nd cloth on their faces.
Sebelum 3rd wet cloth, pembantu Dinasti Ming enter in tent and said to her, ‘Pegawai Dinasi Ming (he naik pangkat Puteri Cheng’s sister is jadi Puteri Dinasti Ching and Pegawai) comes!’ Puteri Cheng’s sister looks worry! Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin lega…
Pegawai Dimasti Ming ask Puteri Cheng’s sister, ‘Adakah u layan Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin?’ She lies, ‘Yes.’
When ada serve food while bincang, Pegaawai Dinasti Ming ask Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin, ‘I will tunai ur permintaan if ur king (Li Zhou (he is Puteri Cheng’s stepbrother and Mahraja’s son and jadi maharaja after his dad died by hang by Ketua Dinasti Cheng) serah diri.’
Sai Hin said, ‘Ok, I will pujuk maharaja. U must tunai our permintaan.’ He agreed.
Sai Hin said, ‘Don’t serang Jingling! Maharaja will serah diri to u.’ He agreed.
Puteri Cheng said, ‘I have another permintaan.’ He signed and said, ‘Ok, u say.’
Puteri Cheng said, ‘I suspect maybe Puteri Cheng kait with my mum’s death. I hope u siasat my mum’s death.’
Pegawai agreed and he will siasat. Puteri Cheng’s sister shout, ‘U can’t do this to me! I am Puteri Dinasti Ching!’ She said o Pegawai, ‘U said if I serah diri to u, I will be Puteri Dinasti Ching.’ She uses minyak wangi to Pegawai. Pegawai smell this nice but ask askar take Puteri Cheng’s sister and put her in lokap for further siasatan.
After that, Sai Hin pujuk Maharaja serah diri and he agreed. Maharaja serah his kedudukan maharaja to Pegawai Dinasti Ming. So Maharaja and others in the lokap. So Dinasti Ming tak serang Jingling.
After that, Sai Hin said to Pegawai Dinasti Ming, ‘I ada permintaan lagi. I hope u tunai my permintaan.’ Pegawai Dinasti Ming kejut. Pembantu Dinasti Ming said to Sai Hin, ‘Pegawai dah tunai
After Pegawai Dinasti Ming fikir lama, he decide to tunai his permintaan. So all dinasti diraja freed and they go to safe place. Pegawai bayar 100 wang to people who cedera and 300 wang to keluarga mangsa (people who died in war).
Tandu bawa Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin to tempat Dinasti Ming. Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin go to Istana Maharaja Dinasti Ming. They bow to Maharaja (he is Maharaja jahat’s son.)
Maharaja main….Pegawai saw him play so he said, ‘Don’t play! Tuanku must jaga pelakuan.’ So Maharaja tak main.
Maharaja said, ‘Beta haru with
Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin lutut.
Pembantu titah to them, ‘U kahwin di
They terima titah. Puteri Cheng said, ‘I ada permintaan.’ Pegawai said,’Ok, u say.’
Puteri Cheng said, ‘We want to walk around Taman Kayangan before our wedding.’ Pegawai said, ‘Ok, askar will iring u both there.’
So they walk to Taman Kayangan like old days……
When they reach Taman Kayangan, they pray and said, ‘We hope that we buka our eyes, ….’ They look each other and smiled. They said continue, ‘…..we will meet each other!’
Seng Heng dah jadi cacat and mabuk and he sees bunga api and ask someone, ‘What meriah?’ Someone said, ‘Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin marry now.’
Seng Heng kejut and shout, ‘They bukan jalan perkahwinan but kematian! If you tak halang them jalan kematian, they tak selamat!’ Someone tak percaya him! Seng Heng runs to pegawai and said to him, ‘They bukan jalan perkahwinan but kematian! If you tak halang them jalan kematian, they tak selamat! U cepat halang them!’ Pegawai tak percaya him and said, ‘Get out! We want to do our work!’ But Seng Heng said, ‘I want to see Maharaja! U tak kenal me?!’ Pegawai look at him and said to him, ‘U are beggar! U berani see Maharaja! Jangan hope!’ Seng Heng still do it. Pegawai very angry and suruh some pegawai pukul him! So some pegawai pukul him! He still said this……
Wow! How Seng Heng know about this???? I bet Seng Heng lebih faham ‘peraturan’ Sai Hin!
Betul kata Seng Heng!
Sai Hin and Puteri Cheng bow each other sebagai husband and wife sah.
After that, Sai Hin pour racun in two cups arak.
Sai Hin give 1 cup to Puteri Cheng and he have 1 cup to himself. Sai Hin asks Puteri Cheng, ‘U takut drink racun?’ Puteri Cheng said, ‘I tak takut drink racun! Asal we tak pisah selama-lamanya! I hope people understand.’ Sai Hin agreed.
Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin drink arak beracun (They macam saling drink).
After that, Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin hold each other and Sai Hin said, ‘We hope that we buka our eyes, we will meet each other!’
Puteri Cheng muntah blood!!!! Sai Hin said cry, ‘Don’t sleep! We janji that We hope that we buka our eyes, we will meet each other!’ Sai Hin also muntah blood!!! Puteri Cheng look at Sai Hin and she smiled at him. Sai Hin also look at Puteri Cheng and he smiled at her.
Puteri Cheng died 1st. Then Sai Hin died……But they still hold each other…….
This story is very, very, very, very sad!!!!!
But another funny cerita….
Many people go to restoran coz tauke bijak cook.
After tauke selesai cook, tauke hidang delicious food to many people. Many people are very happy …..
Who guess tauke restoran????
I tell u…..
Tauke restoran is Sai Hin!!!!! Woman is Puteri Cheng!!!!!!
Sungguh kejut, eh????
Seng Heng go to restoran and put kayu tepi kedai. I kejut…..
Rupanya Pegawai suruh Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin pura mati. Do Seng Heng knows??? I tak sure. I think Sai Hin explain this to him….
Someone said, ‘Pegawai sick now.’
Sai Hin and Puteri Cheng heard this. Sai Hin said to Puteri Cheng, ‘Maybe Pegawai pura sick so he don’t have to do solve problems.’ Puteri Cheng agreed.
Seng Heng said to Sai Hin, ‘I kejut u both tak mati. Pegawai suruh u both pura mati,yes?’
Sai Hin said, ‘U don’t said this in front of my wife! She dah hamil!’
Seng Heng said, ‘Tahniah! How about me? Takkan I do work for you?’
Sai Hin said, ‘If you do not have work, how u get food and place to sleep? U should thankful to us.’
Seng Heng said joke….. Tiba Sai Hin rampas Seng Heng’s tongkat which he uses his tongkat to walk coz his right leg jadi cacat coz dikhiant oleh Puteri Cheng’s sister.
Seng Heng said. ‘Give me my tongkat! I need to use it!’ Sai Hin laugh and said to him, ‘Try rampas tongkat from me!’ Seng Heng chased Sai Hin round tables…..
Seng Heng, Sai Hin and Puteri Cheng are happy…
But my mum said Puteri Cheng and Sai Hin really died coz she read newspaper cina.
I tak sure which cerita betul or tak….