Friday, April 21, 2006
I copy this from newspaper coz I like to watch Ghost Whisperer.

There’s a faint rustling on the set of Ghost Whisperer. Could it be some troubled spirit trying to get medium Melinda Gordon’s attention?
No. It’s the frilly bodice of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s dress. It seems that each time the actress emotes, it gives off a noise loud enough to worry the sound engineer, consequently requiring several extra takes.
Apparently some fans of the CBS series, in which Hewitt plays a young newlywed with the ability to contact spirits, tune in mainly to see what the winsome star is wearing. But it’s the paranormal subject matter that seems to have connected with most viewers, earning the new drama an early pickup for next season.
“We really listen to our audience and they do want scary and low cut dresses”, laughs series consultant and executive producer James Van Praagh.
The well-known paranormal expert acknowledges some compromises have to be made in the name of entertainment, yet is essentially pleased the show is conveying his message that there’s life after death.
“I think especially in a time of war people question beliefs, and I don’t people are going to religions as much for answers. They are going within and being responsible for their own lives and their own quest for understanding”, says Van Praagh, who reports that many attending his recent lectures have said their interest was peeked by watching Ghost Whisperer.
“I love the theme. I definitely feel we are not just our bodies, that we are beings and that we go on”, says Anne Archer, who has joined the cast in the recurring role of Beth Gordon, Melinda’s mother.
“So from that standpoint, it didn’t seem weird to me at all”, continues Archer. “I think it’s interesting and obviously audiences do, too…I think there is a sot of emptiness in ou look at life in general lately, and think this is a way to explore that.”
The episode filming this day at Universal Studios is titled The Vanishing.
Hewitt’s chest heaves and faux tears flow. It seems a head injury has caused her character, Melinda, to lose her gift for communicating with earthbound spirits and she’s devastated. Her loving husband, Jim (David Conrad), is providing sympathy.
Meanwhile, mother Beth is happy. She possesses the same psychic gift as her daughter, but has always viewed it as a curse rather than a blessing. Now, for whatever reason, her gift has vanished, too, but she feels a burden has been lifted.
Archer says the whole story arc has given her something juicy to play beyond the usual standard mum fare often to an actresses in their 50s.
“it was a whole character coming in with a big problem. I love that, and then in this episode the gift goes away for both of us and I’m feeling liberated”, says the actress as she waits in her dressing room for her scenes to begin. “it’s great that they gave me something to act other that, ‘Hi, dear, how are doing?’”
Director and executive producer Ian Sander adds that Archer’s good looks are also an attribute, “because the role of Beth demands flashbacks, and she looks utterly convincing playing nearly 20 years younger.”
Van Praagh says it’s not essential that actors on his show believe in its premise, “but it certainly helps if they are opne-minded.”
Hewitt said earlier that spending time with Van Praagh and researching for the show has made it hard not to believe.
“What’s great and beautiful about this show is that it kind of makes you believe, if you don’t already, that the people you love the most maybe don’t actually leave you for good, that maybe they kind of look after you and are there to sort of see you through the rest of whatever your journey is.”
Archer’s thoughts echo that. “The show has charm because its characters are so likeable. I think it (the show) hits these buttons in people that….when you lose someone, very often you are left with these feelings about what you didn’t say to them”, she says.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Poems about Lost Friends
Friendship Poems - I copy this from Internet coz it is nice.
Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
Cute Rabbit, Cat, Pig, Baby Duck and Chick.....
Daigunder - Season 1 because I like it.
The show starts off by Akira and the team heading to the star shuttle but from above Ginzan is watching. While the team hears about there next match tomorrow as they begin there traing by battling each other. While Akira watches to see the results of all there metanorphisis. Until from above Ginzan comes down from there training room to try to destroy Daigunder as the bots try to work together to try to stop him but it does not work. Ginzan takes and kidnaps Daigunder and flees the scene. As the team finds out the location of Daigunder, they get underway. As for Daigunder, Ginzan has him traped in a abandon warehouse getting pounded badly. As Akira and his bots are on the way to try to rescue him at the location, Daigunder and Ginzan battle face to face heavly. As Akira finds out were exactly they are. Drimog stops Ginzan from finshing Daigunder/Ryugu as akira asks Ginzan why he's doing this and who is he working for. Ginzan reveals thathe is working for Professor Maelstrom. Akira starts the battle against Ginzan with all bots at once. Back in the lab, Eagle Arrow is fixed up ready for battle. As Ryugu fuses with Daigu to try to fight Ginzan one more time because Akira's bots are getting bashed badly. Daigunder is doing good by being able to withstand Ginzan's attacks untill he gives up and flees the scene. Back at the lab the team finds out that they don't have any extra time to get fixed up after the battle with Ginzan. As round 2 is about to start against Team Peair, they arrive late and are disqualyfied from the match. The team upset does not give up and decieds to train more. As from above Ginzan finds out that he needs to destroy Daigunder's cluster power to to win.
1. The Dream Begins
Akira have's a dream in a robot battle championship and Akira the main character wins but before he knows it he wakes up, promising to be there for real one day with his battle team of robots. While his robots are training for Akira's commander license Akira's grandfather lab blows up in smoke. When Akira rushes to the lab to see what happened his grandfather explains to Akira that he's got a new invention that can revolutionize the way of robot battles, and that its Akira's. Akira makes it to the commander place to get his license but he is told he can't battle without an anchor bot, until commisioner Spicklestarber gives him a chance to battle anyway but one catch, he has to battle with lesser points. So the battle starts off with the team of Akira vs team Michael, they both battle heavily in a run to fall in points. Akira finds out the rythme of his battle and then goes in for the kill with Eagle Arrows (one of Akira's battle bot) shoots the arrow and Clymas shoots the fireball to take down the kangaroo shaped robots. When Michael sends out his anchor bot Akira's points drop fast, but Akira isn't ready to admit defeat until his grandfather transports his new invention he was talking about Daigunder Akira's new anchor bot and before Akira new it Daigunder was kicking robot butt by defeating all of Michael's robots and giving Akira the win. As they celebrate the win Akira goes ahead to thank Daigunder personally till Daigunder forms back to his miniature form Ryugu. But when Ryugu starts making fun of the way Akira commands and they both go head to head in an argument calling each other names and yelling at each other already fighting when Akira's battle bots try to break them apart.
2. Step One
The argue continues with Ryugu and Akira still arguing. As Akira's grandfather places a head device on Akira's and Ryugu's head, while he talks about the history of technology and explains that with this device on their heads help them work together. Then Heruka a strange girl that manages teams steps in telling Akira what she masters in, while preparing for the next battle. As the battle is about to begin Akira looks at the info of his opponent the famous Jhon. In the crowd were Akira's grandfather is sitting the Commisioner decide's to sit next to him and watch the new Daigunder in action. The battle begins with Akira making the first move with Pholyeon knocking one of team Jhon's robots to a wall. As a sneak attack team Jhon's robot uses his secret attack and pretends to just sit down and do nothing to distract Akira's Pholyeon, when out of know here Jhons robot shoots missles to Pholyeon and then aims at Pholyeons knee joint with a big missle taking alot of hit points from him. As the missles keep flying it looks like Pholyeon can't take no more, so Akira calls for his conversion for his other robots to back up and attack, but no fazing, as then both robots start taking bad blows. When Akira decides to tell them to go into animal mode and start attacking, which at first it works but then with both teams fighting back it turns into a draw. To determine the winning draw its anchor bot vs anchor bot. With Ryugu vs team Jhons achor bot, Ryugu dodges most of Jhons missle attacks. But when team Jhon decides to go into achor bot conversion after Akira tells Ryugu to go into anchor bot conversion mode Ryugu refuses, thinking he can't take team Jhons conversion bot by himself . as Ryugu is getting badly hurt Akira decides that he has to work as a team with Ryugu and takes the hit for Ryugu as he is down. As they both realize its team work that makes the victory happen they both agree to call in Daigu to conversion with Ryugu to make Daigunder! to start the battle. So now its Daigunder vs team Jhons conversion anchorbot, Daigunder easily wins the battle without a sweat. For the victory the Commisioner hands over Akira's commander license. As the whole team is happy realizing as long as they work together they can go to the top. When Heruka decides to be the team manager as the team is in shock they realize its also a good thing to have a team manager. As the whole team celebrates it looks like Akira and Ryugu is about to start an argument again.
3. Training Battle
The show begins with Akira's battle bots traing against some bee bots as there being congratulated by Akira and Ryugu. With a little argument between the battle bots they hear big vibration coming from outside when they see that its Akira's grandfather inside a rocket getting ready for lift off on his litle research trip. As the team hears about an opponent that wants to chanllenge them they get ready for battle. But just when they find out that the location of the opponent is to far Akira's grandpa tells them threw via satllite that he builded a transport flyer to get there in no time. When they arrive at daigos town they meet team Mokoto. So the battle gets underway right away as they both agree on, Akira sends out Ryugu out first to battle. The battle bigins with Ryugu vs Gam as a unknown battle bot wacthes from above admiring Ryugu. When both teams battle it seems lke both bots are evenly macth so as they battle they decied to go to conversion mode (both teams). But before they can batle, the unknown bot blastes them both from above badly. As Akira and Mokoto wants to know who and why he did that, the unknown bots reveals his self as Ginzan, the most powerful battle bot ever! He starts to battle Akira's robots and easly takes all of them on easly when akira decides to send his battles bots to conversion mode to do a sneak attack from the back as for the front. Then Akira sends out Daigunder to battle to, but as they he launches his lasers Ginzan blocks it like it was nothing and overuns Akira's battle bots. so Ginzan says that he had fun battling with them and flees the scene making Akira's bots look like there were just to easy. Akira askes about Ginzan and his battle bots tells him that he is a battle bot. Later on, Akira talks to Mokoto and congrats the good macth and Mokoto talks to him about the
The show begins with Akira heading to
5. Enter Ginzan
The show starts off by Akira and the team heading to the star shuttle but from above Ginzan is watching. While the team hears about there next match tomorrow as they begin there traing by battling each other. While Akira watches to see the results of all there metanorphisis. Until from above Ginzan comes down from there training room to try to destroy Daigunder as the bots try to work together to try to stop him but it does not work Ginzan takes and kidnaps Daigunder and flees the scene. As the team finds out the location of Daigunder, they get underway. As for Daigunder, Ginzan has him traped in a abandon warehouse getting pounded badly. As Akira and his bots are on the way to try to rescue him at the location, Daigunder and Ginzan battle face to face heavly. As Akira finds out were exactly they are. Drimog stops Ginzan from finshing Daigunder/Ryugu as akira asks Ginzan why he's doing this and who is he working for. Ginzan reveals thathe is working for Professor Maelstrom. Akira starts the battle against Ginzan with all bots at once. Back in the lab, Eagle Arrow is fixed up ready for battle. As Ryugu fuses with Daigu to try to fight Ginzan one more time because Akira's bots are getting bashed badly. Daigunder is doing good by being able to withstand Ginzan's attacks untill he gives up and flees the scene. Back at the lab the team finds out that they don't have any extra time to get fixed up after the battle with Ginzan. As round 2 is about to start against Team Peair, they arrive late and are disqualyfied from the match. The team upset does not give up and decieds to train more. As from above Ginzan finds out that he needs to destroy Daigunder's cluster power to to win.
6. Robot Round Up
Akira and the team are in a town were they find out that there have been rebel robots stoping the mayor from building his ammusment park by the town's Sheriff. Team Akira decieds to help to try to stop them. Right there, he convinces the mayor to give them the job to stop the rebel robots. As Akira goes to the location of the mountians were the rebel robots hide and protect, Akira is soon confronted by 2 robots which start to battle with Akira robots (Ryugu and Bulion), they think they got these robots rounded up til out of nowhere a red robot comes from the sky and badly hurts Bulion. The red robot warns team Akira that this fight is over and that to never come back here. After making sure of his robot's health, Akira decides to go alone with Ryugu to find out what those robots ment by not coming back there and why they gurd it so much. As they finally meet the robots one more time, they luckly convince them that they are not the enemies and to tell theme why they protect the area. The robots tell Akria and Ryugu that they protect this place from being rebuilded because its where there ancestors were born and lived. Akira and Ryugu decided to not help the mayor and help the robots protect the area. Right there the mayor and army of robots ask Akira and the robots to surrender. Akira decied to join forces in battle with the robot protectors and easly sending out his whole team along with Daigunder! The town's sheriff scares some of the robot owners to flee the scene or be arrested, the mayor is easly defeated and deicede to make the area a reservation for people to see and visit the robots. The robots all happy thank Akira greatly and Akira and the team askes the robots if they would like to join the team. The robots agree and they celebrate new friends and a good job on protecting a sacred area.
7. Bots Will be Bots
8. This is No I in Team
This episode was about Akira and the team head for a rematch with Team Mokoto because of the last macth they had could not be finsh because of Ginzan. Well in this episode the Bone rex crew realize that there is no I in team and decied not to do things there own way but to follow Akira's commands. Because they realized that Daigunder and the rest perform like unbeatable warriors and because of team work and depending on each other to win. So because of that, Team Akira wins over team Mokoto to win a lot of step ups ponits.
9. Been There, Done That
In this episode Akira and the team are heading for there next macth in Senawood city. When Akira finds out that he left his licence to battle at his home, he freaks out finds out that Drimog and Eagle Arrow can just bring it to him because he left them at home. Meanwhile, the mysterious Professor Maelstrom gives orders to Ginzan to destroy Daigunder. Soon he attcks the DaiShuttle taking it down demanding a battle with Daigunder. So as the battle starts off Akira decieds to take the battle far from the DaiShuttle crash site, but with all the battling and explosion, they create while battling they fall in a underground pit that leads to a unknown factory made for disposing metal. As they battle again dispite them being trap underground, they notice a liquid substance that melts metal and its alive! As it attacks Ginzan badly and Akira decides to help him by destroying the liquid and help fix Ginzan up and getting out of there back to surface by fusing Daigunder with Ginzan. They find out that them both are compatable. After the DaiShuttle is fixed and Ginzan leaves the area in his own way of saying thanks, the team wonders if he will ever be a friend or foe.
No story in Internet but I will find it in Internet.
12. Loose As A Caboose
No story in Internet but I will find it in Internet.
13. The Mystery of Team X
Team Akira is set to battle Team X in a tournament where they're mysteriously registered in. When Commissioner Spinklestarber arrives saying that the 2 teams were entered through hacking, Akira then finds out the Team X's only mysterious Battle Robot and only member is really Ginzan with another plot to destroy Daigunder?
14. The Enemy Within
15. The Many Robots Spoil the Broth
After being yelled at by Eagle Arrow for his uselessness in battle because Akira never had him attack an opponent, Drimog leaves. Tigamaro and Rogamaro in disguise offer Drimog attachable wings. But when Tigamaro and Rogamaro are controlling the wings with a remote control as a part of a plan to destroy Daigunder, it's Eagle Arrow to Drimog's rescue. In the aftermath, Eagle Arrow and Drimog make ammends and Team Akira is invited to the
Team Akira arrives in the
After arriving on
18. A Few Friend
19. Two Bots or Not Two Bots
After Team Akira defeated Team Ahab, Tigamaro and Rogamaro come up with another plan to destroy Daigunder by kidnapping Beebot and replacing him with Skippybot (an evil clone of Beebot) who places a remote-controlled device in the Dino Unit and the Daigunder unit. The next day, Skippybot's effect has the Daigunder unit and the Dino Unit fighting amongst each other during a battle with Team Blues. When Ginzan finds out what happens after Beebot frees himself from the cooler on Tigamaro's back, Skippybot is destroyed by Beebot giving Team Akira the opportunity to defeat their opponent's. In the next match, Team Ginzan is defeated by Team Oval.
20. Goon With the Wind
With Team Ginzan defeated by Team Oval, Team Akira faces off against Team Oval. Despite Team Oval's weatherly attacks and defenses, Team Akira defeats them and wins the
21. Fight Or Get Off The Bot
22. A Battle Down Memory Lane
No story in Internet but I will find it in Internet.